
The Association of Age-Related and Off-Target Retention with Longitudinal Quantification of 18F MK6240 Tau PET in Target Regions
Document Type
Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 64(3):452-459
Key Words
reference region
off-target binding
Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging
6-(fluoro-18F)-3-(1H-pyrrolo[2,3-c]pyridin-1-yl)isoquinolin-5-amine ([18F] MK6240) tau PET tracer quantifies the brain tau neurofibrillary tangle load in Alzheimer disease. The aims of our study were to test the stabil-ity of common reference region estimates in the cerebellum over time and across diagnoses and evaluate the effects of age-related and off -target retention on the longitudinal quantification of [18F]MK6240 in tar-get regions. Methods: We assessed reference, target, age-related, and off-target regions in 125 individuals across the aging and Alzhei-mer disease spectrum with longitudinal [18F]MK6240 SUVs and SUV ratios (SUVRs) (mean +/- SD, 2.25 +/- 0.40 y of follow-up). We obtained SUVR from meninges, exhibiting frequent off-target retention with [18F]MK6240. Additionally, we compared tracer uptake between 37 cognitively unimpaired young (CUY) (mean age, 23.41 +/- 3.33 y) and 27 cognitively unimpaired older (CU) adults (amyloid-P-negative and tau-negative, 58.50 +/- 9.01 y) to identify possible nonvisually apparent, age-related signal. Two-tailed t testing and Pearson correlation testing were used to determine the difference between groups and associa-tions between changes in region uptake, respectively. Results: Inferior cerebellar gray matter SUV did not differ on the basis of diagnosis and amyloid-P status, cross-sectionally and over time. [18F]MK6240 uptake significantly differed between CUY and CU adults in the puta-men or pallidum (affecting-75% of the region) and in the Braak II region (affecting-35%). Changes in meningeal and putamen or palli-dum SUVRs did not significantly differ from zero, nor did they vary across diagnostic groups. We did not observe significant correlations between longitudinal changes in age-related or meningeal off-target retention and changes in target regions, whereas changes in all target regions were strongly correlated. Conclusion: Inferior cerebellar gray matter was similar across diagnostic groups cross-sectionally and sta-ble over time and thus was deemed a suitable reference region for quantification. Despite not being visually perceptible, [18F]MK6240 has age-related retention in subcortical regions, at a much lower magnitude but topographically colocalized with significant off-target signal of the first-generation tau tracers. The lack of correlation between changes in age-related or meningeal and target retention suggests little influence of possible off-target signals on longitudinal tracer quantification. Nev-ertheless, the age-related retention in the Braak II region needs to be further investigated. Future postmortem studies should elucidate the source of the newly reported age-related [18F]MK6240 signal, and in vivo studies should further explore its impact on tracer quantification.