
Um balanço da antropologia da saúde no Brasil e seus diálogos com as antropologias mundiais
Document Type
Anuário Antropológico. 2011/I-2012:51-89
Other Social Sciences
Annan samhällsvetenskap
Brazilian anthropology
anthropology of health
academic visibility
North-South dialogue
research development
This article assesses the anthropological research on health in Brazil in light of discussions on “modernity/coloniality” and world anthropologies. Since the 1970s, a network of anthropologists investigating the theme of health has formed and consolidated accompanying the expansion of graduate programs in the country. We describe the emergence of research groups, meetings and publications, in order to characterize Brazilian anthropology of health as a research program that distinguishes itself from the European and North American anthropologies called “medical”, “of health” or “of illness”. In order to explore the participation of Brazilian researchers in the global discourse on health and, more specifi- cially, in the North-South dialogue, the visibility and circulation of references in academic publications were examined. From a comparative perspective, we ar- gue that the international impact of Bra- zilian anthropological research reflects the historical and political processes of research in Brazil, including perspec- tives, interests, ethos and values, as well as the dynamics of production and circulation of academic and scientific production in this field of knowledge on the international scene.

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