
Border of the island of inversion: Unbound states in Ne-29
Document Type
Exotiska nukleära system vid gränsen för existens - fysik i frontlinjen med perspektiv mot FAIR Experimentella studier av exotiska, lätta nukleära system Physical Review C. 105(3)
The nucleus Ne-29 is situated at the border of the island of inversion. Despite significant efforts, no bound low-lying intruder f(7/2) state, which would place Ne-29 firmly inside the island of inversion, has yet been observed. Here, the first investigation of unbound states of Ne-29 is reported. The states were populated in Ne-30(p, pn) and Na-30(p, 2p) reactions at a beam energy of around 230 MeV/nucleon, and analyzed in terms of their resonance properties, partial cross sections, and momentum distributions. The momentum distributions are compared to calculations using the eikonal, direct reaction model, allowing assignments for the observed states. The lowest lying resonance at an excitation energy of 1.48(4) MeV shows clear signs of a significant l = 3 component, giving first evidence for f(7/2) single particle strength in Ne-29. The excitation energies and strengths of the observed states are compared to shell-model calculations using the SDPF-U-MIX interaction.