
Large format microfiber detector for low energy neutrons. Phase I final report. Reporting period: August 27, 2001 - June 05, 2002
Document Type
Technical Report
NOVA Scientific has successfully completed a Phase I program to develop an electron avalanche detector for low energy neutrons based upon glass microfiber technology. The microfiber concept provides for high neutron detection efficiency and large area formats, permitting spatial resolutions below 250{mu}m. The Phase I results now have, for the first time, demonstrated microfiber performance as an electron amplifier in a manner analogous to the conventional microchannel plate (MCP). Moreover, these microfiber plates exhibited sensitivity for neutrons and low sensitivity to gamma ray photons in a prototype formats. A proposed Phase II follow-on program would further refine the processing, uniformity, and formats to much larger dimensions. Applications for the large area thin sheet imaging detector include neutron scattering instrumentation, neutron time-of-flight measurements, neutron radiographs, materials analysis, radiography for nuclear waste, and explosives and contraband detection.