
Residential multimodal job focused rehabilitation for teachers increases return to work / Internatbehandling hjälper lärare med utmattningssyndrom tillbaka i arbete
Document Type
Journal Article
Läkartidningen. 116(21):927
School Teachers -- psychology / Skollärare -- psykologi
Adult / Vuxna
Burnout, Professional -- rehabilitation / Professionell utbrändhet -- rehabilitering
Female / Kvinnlig
Humans / Människa
Male / Manlig
Middle Aged / Medelålders personer
Peer Group / Kollegial grupp
Surveys and Questionnaires / Kartläggning och enkäter
Rehabilitation, Vocational -- methods / Yrkesinriktad rehabilitering -- metoder
Self-Help Groups / Självhjälpsgrupper
Sick Leave / Sjukfrånvaro
Return to Work / Återgång till arbete
Stress induced exhaustion disorder is the disease that caused most sickleavedays in Sweden during the last 10 years. Teachers have the highest percentage of sick leave, and is the group where the number on sick leave increases most. No previous studies have achieved a statistically significant increased return to work after any specific treatment for exhaustion disorder. The current multimodal occupational specific treatment for exhaustion disorder among teachers showed statistically significant return to work at follow-up 1-1.5 years after treatment. The treatment focus was reflective peer support group sessions which ended with a recommended an individualised course of action to deal with job stressors for each participant. The treatment model works well for teachers. Continued research is needed to test other occupational groups.