
Trauma admissions to the Intensive care unit at a reference hospital in Northwestern Tanzania / Trauma admissions to the Intensive care unit at a reference hospital in Northwestern Tanzania
Document Type
Journal Article
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine. 19(61):1
Accidents, Traffic / Vägtrafikolyckor
Adult / Vuxna
Developing Countries / U-länder
Emergency Treatment / Akut omhändertagande
Female / Kvinnlig
Humans / Människa
Intensive Care Units -- statistics & numerical data / Intensivvårdsavdelningar -- statistik & numerisk data
Length of Stay -- statistics & numerical data / Vårdtid -- statistik & numerisk data
Male / Manlig
Patient Admission -- statistics & numerical data / Patientintagning -- statistik & numerisk data
Prospective Studies / Prospektiva studier
Regression Analysis / Regressionsanalys
Tanzania -- epidemiology / Tanzania -- epidemiologi
Wounds and Injuries -- epidemiology -- surgery -- therapy / Sår och skador -- epidemiologi -- kirurgi -- terapi
Injury Severity Score / ISS-skala
Treatment Outcome / Behandlingsresultat