
Construct validity of the offer self-image questionnaires in Finnish 13-year-old adolescents: differences in the self-images of boys and girls / Construct validity of the offer self-image questionnaires in Finnish 13-year-old adolescents: differences in the self-images of boys and girls
Document Type
Journal Article
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 54(6):431
Adolescent / Ungdomar
Psychology, Adolescent / Ungdomspsykologi
Female / Kvinnlig
Finland / Finland
Humans / Människa
Male / Manlig
Surveys and Questionnaires / Kartläggning och enkäter
Self Concept / Självuppfattning
Students -- psychology / Studerande -- psykologi
Reproducibility of Results / Resultats reproducerbarhet
Sex Distribution / Könsfördelning
The construct validity of the Offer Self-Image Questionnaire (OSIQ) was examined among 13-year-old Finns. Questionnaires were completed by 268 pupils at school. The construct validity was studied by means of factor analysis. Factor analysis involving 130 items yielded 5 factors with different content: an anxious self, a coping self, awareness by the adolescents of their place in the world, social relationships, and sexuality. The factor solution was moderately useful; it included most of the original items (71%) and explained 31% of the total variance. Boys were more anxious and had a more negative social and sexual self-image than the girls. The OSIQ estimates adolescents' self-images in a multidimensional manner. When interpreting the scores, it is important to consider sex differences and the developmental stage of the adolescent. Despite its limitations, the OSIQ remains a moderately valid and clinically relevant method for use in the clinical assessment of adolescents.