
Changes in cardiovascular risk factors among men in Oslo during 28 years / Endring i risikofaktorer for hjerte- og karsykdom blant menn i Oslo gjennom 28 år
Document Type
Journal Article
Tidsskrift for Den Norske Laegeforening. 126(17):2240
Aged / Äldre
Antihypertensive Agents -- administration & dosage / Blodtryckssänkande medel -- läkemedelstillförsel & dosering
Blood Glucose -- analysis / Blodsocker -- analys
Cardiovascular Diseases -- etiology / Hjärt-kärlsjukdomar -- sjukdomsorsak
Comparative Study / Jämförande studie
Follow-Up Studies / Uppföljningsstudier
Health Surveys / Hälsoundersökningar
Humans / Människa
Hypertension -- complications -- drug therapy / Högt blodtryck -- komplikationer -- läkemedelsterapi
Lipids -- blood / Fetter -- blod
Male / Manlig
Middle Aged / Medelålders personer
Norway -- epidemiology / Norge -- epidemiologi
Prospective Studies / Prospektiva studier
Risk Factors / Riskfaktorer
Smoking -- adverse effects -- epidemiology / Rökning -- biverkningar -- epidemiologi
Cohort Studies / Kohortstudier
Biomarkers -- blood / Biomarkörer -- blod
Body Mass Index / Kroppsmasseindex
BACKGROUND : The aim of the study was to measure changes in known risk factors for cardiovascular disease among men over a period of 28 years.MATERIAL AND METHODS : The present cohort study comprises a selection of men previously included in the Oslo-study of 1972/73. The men selected, were either followed-up in the Oslo II study (n = 5,323), or were included in five other studies in the period 1996-2001 (n = 1,834). The total material is named The second screening of the Oslo-study and consists of 7157 men.RESULTS : The men were born between 1923 and 1952. All age groups showed a marked increase in mean weight by 4.4 Kg. Body Mass Index changed from 24.3 to 26.4 kg/m2 , coinciding with reduced level of physical activity in all age groups. A comparison of body mass index in men of the same age in 1972/73 and 2000, show a mean increase in body mass index of two units. An increase of 0.30 mmol/L glucose (non-fasting) was observed. Total cholesterol decreased from 6.19 to 5.95 mmol/L and triglycerides remained unchanged (1.89 to 1.87 mmol/L). Systolic blood pressure increased but not the diastolic pressure. Overall 30.8 % of the men took medication for increased blood pressure, versus 3.1 % at the first screening. The percentage of daily smokers decreased from 44.2 % to 17.4 %.INTERPRETATION : The most encouraging result was the strong reduction in number of daily smokers. The study confirms the weight increase observed among men in Norway.