
Mammographic screening in the county of Copenhagen. Clinical consequences of the first three screening rounds / Mammografiscreening i Köbenhavns Kommune. Kliniske konsekvenser efter de förste tre screeningsrunder
Document Type
Journal Article
Ugeskrift for Laeger. 164(8):1036
Aged / Äldre
Breast Neoplasms -- diagnostic imaging -- surgery -- therapy / Brösttumörer -- bilddiagnostik -- kirurgi -- terapi
Comparative Study / Jämförande studie
Denmark -- epidemiology / Danmark -- epidemiologi
English Abstract / Engelsk sammanfattning
Female / Kvinnlig
Humans / Människa
Lymphatic Metastasis / Lymfmetastas
Mammography / Mammografi
Mass Screening / Massundersökning
Middle Aged / Medelålders personer
Neoplasm Staging / Tumörstadieindelning
Prognosis / Prognos
Introduction: Service mammography has been offered biennially to women aged 50-69 years in the municipality of Copenhagen since 1991. The results were compared to breast cancer cases before initiation of screening. The comparison concerns prognostic factors and the treatment-related consequences. Material and methods: Data from the Copenhagen service mammography screening were linked to data from the DBCG database. Results: Before screening, 16% of breast cancer cases had a tumour size of 10 mm or less, this percentage increased to 41 in the screen-detected cases. Sixty per cent of breast cancer cases showed no evidence of metastatic spread to axillary lymph nodes before screening; this percentage increased to 78 per cent in the screen-detected cases. Forty per cent of ductal carcinomas showed a malignancy grade I before screening, compared to 53% in the screen-detected cases. Thirteen per cent were treated with breast conserving therapy before screening, as opposed to 48% in the screen-detected cases. Forty-one per cent needed postoperative adjuvant treatment before screening, compared with 21% in the screen-detected cases. Discussion: A marked improvement was seen in the prognostic and treatment-related characteristics of the screen-detected breast cancer cases, as compared to breast cancer cases from the same area before screening was initiated.