
Performances of JEM–EUSO: energy and X max reconstruction
Document Type
Original Paper
Adams, Jr., J. H.Ahmad, S.Albert, J. -N.Allard, D.Anchordoqui, L.Andreev, V.Anzalone, A.Arai, Y.Asano, K.Ave Pernas, M.Baragatti, P.Barrillon, P.Batsch, T.Bayer, J.Bechini, R.Belenguer, T.Bellotti, R.Belov, K.Berlind, A. A.Bertaina, M.Biermann, P. L.Biktemerova, S.Blaksley, C.Blanc, N.Błȩcki, J.Blin-Bondil, S.Blümer, J.Bobik, P.Bogomilov, M.Bonamente, M.Briggs, M. S.Briz, S.Bruno, A.Cafagna, F.Campana, D.Capdevielle, J. -N.Caruso, R.Casolino, M.Cassardo, C.Castellinic, G.Catalano, C.Catalano, G.Cellino, A.Chikawa, M.Christl, M. J.Cline, D.Connaughton, V.Conti, L.Cordero, G.Crawford, H. J.Cremonini, R.Csorna, S.Dagoret-Campagne, S.de Castro, A. J.De Donato, C.de la Taille, C.De Santis, C.del Peral, L.Dell’Oro, A.De Simone, N.Di Martino, M.Distratis, G.Dulucq, F.Dupieux, M.Ebersoldt, A.Ebisuzaki, T.Engel, R.Falk, S.Fang, K.Fenu, F.Fernández-Gómez, I.Ferrarese, S.Finco, D.Flamini, M.Fornaro, C.Franceschi, A.Fujimoto, J.Fukushima, M.Galeotti, P.Garipov, G.Geary, J.Gelmini, G.Giraudo, G.Gonchar, M.González Alvarado, C.Gorodetzky, P.Guarino, F.Guzmán, A.Hachisu, Y.Harlov, B.Haungs, A.Hernández Carretero, J.Higashide, K.Ikeda, D.Ikeda, H.Inoue, N.Inoue, S.Insolia, A.Isgrò, F.Itow, Y.Joven, E.Judd, E. G.Jung, A.Kajino, F.Kajino, T.Kaneko, I.Karadzhov, Y.Karczmarczyk, J.Karus, M.Katahira, K.Kawai, K.Kawasaki, Y.Keilhauer, B.Khrenov, B. A.Kim, J. -S.Kim, S. -W.Kim, S. -W.Kleifges, M.Klimov, P. A.Kolev, D.Kreykenbohm, I.Kudela, K.Kurihara, Y.Kusenko, A.Kuznetsov, E.Lacombe, M.Lachaud, C.Lee, J.Licandro, J.Lim, H.López, F.Maccarone, M. C.Mannheim, K.Maravilla, D.Marcelli, L.Marini, A.Martinez, O.Masciantonio, G.Mase, K.Matev, R.Medina-Tanco, G.Mernik, T.Miyamoto, H.Miyazaki, Y.Mizumoto, Y.Modestino, G.Monaco, A.Monnier-Ragaigne, D.Morales de los Ríos, J. A.Moretto, C.Morozenko, V. S.Mot, B.Murakami, T.Murakami, M. NaganoNagata, M.Nagataki, S.Nakamura, T.Napolitano, T.Naumov, D.Nava, R.Neronov, A.Nomoto, K.Nonaka, T.Ogawa, T.Ogio, S.Ohmori, H.Olinto, A. V.Orleański, P.Osteria, G.Panasyuk, M. I.Parizot, E.Park, I. H.Park, H. W.Pastircak, B.Patzak, T.Paul, T.Pennypacker, C.Perez Cano, S.Peter, T.Picozza, P.Pierog, T.Piotrowski, L. W.Piraino, S.Plebaniak, Z.Pollini, A.Prat, P.Prévôt, G.Prieto, H.Putis, M.Reardon, P.Reyes, M.Ricci, M.Rodríguez, I.Rodríguez Frías, M. D.Ronga, F.Roth, M.Rothkaehl, H.Roudil, G.Rusinov, I.Rybczyński, M.Sabau, M. D.Sáez-Cano, G.Sagawa, H.Saito, A.Sakaki, N.Sakata, M.Salazar, H.Sánchez, S.Santangelo, A.Santiago Crúz, L.Sanz Palomino, M.Saprykin, O.Sarazin, F.Sato, H.Sato, M.Schanz, T.Schieler, H.Scotti, V.Segreto, A.Selmane, S.Semikoz, D.Serra, M.Sharakin, S.Shibata, T.Shimizu, H. M.Shinozaki, K.Shirahama, T.Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G.Silva López, H. H.Sledd, J.Słomińska, K.Sobey, A.Sugiyama, T.Supanitsky, D.Suzuki, M.Szabelska, B.Szabelski, J.Tajima, F.Tajima, N.Tajima, T.Takahashi, Y.Takami, H.Takeda, M.Takizawa, Y.Tenzer, C.Tibolla, O.Tkachev, L.Tokuno, H.Tomida, T.Tone, N.Toscano, S.Trillaud, F.Tsenov, R.Tsunesada, Y.Tsuno, K.Tymieniecka, T.Uchihori, Y.Unger, M.Vaduvescu, O.Valdés-Galicia, J. F.Vallania, P.Valore, L.Vankova, G.Vigorito, C.Villaseñor, L.von Ballmoos, P.Wada, S.Watanabe, J.Watanabe, S.Watts, Jr, J.Weber, M.Weiler, T. J.Wibig, T.Wiencke, L.Wille, M.Wilms, J.Włodarczyk, Z.Yamamoto, T.Yamamoto, Y.Yang, J.Yano, H.Yashin, I. V.Yonetoku, D.Yoshida, K.Yoshida, S.Young, R.Zotov, M. Yu.Zuccaro Marchi, A.The JEM-EUSO Collaboration
Experimental Astronomy: Astrophysical Instrumentation and Methods. November 2015 40(1):183-214
Energy reconstruction
Xmax reconstruction
The Extreme Universe Space Observatory (EUSO) on–board the Japanese Experimental Module (JEM) of the International Space Station aims at the detection of ultra high energy cosmic rays from space. The mission consists of a UV telescope which will detect the fluorescence light emitted by cosmic ray showers in the atmosphere. The mission, currently developed by a large international collaboration, is designed to be launched within this decade. In this article, we present the reconstruction of the energy of the observed events and we also address the Xmax reconstruction. After discussing the algorithms developed for the energy and Xmax reconstruction, we present several estimates of the energy resolution, as a function of the incident angle, and energy of the event. Similarly, estimates of the Xmax resolution for various conditions are presented.