
The Orthopaedist’s Role in Healthcare System Governance
Document Type
Original Paper
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. June 2013 471(6):1784-1791
Background:Historically, physicians as participants in healthcare governance were shunned because of perceived potential for conflict of interest. This maxim is being revisited as health systems begin to appreciate the value presented by physician leaders.Questions/purposes:This overview of the orthopaedist’s role in healthcare governance will be addressed in three sections: first to identify the need for change in American healthare, second to examine the role that physicians should play in governing over this inevitable change, and third to outline strategies for effective participation for those physicians wishing to play a role in healthcare governance.Methods:The PubMed data set was queried applying the search commands “governance AND (healthcare OR hospital) AND (doctor OR physician OR surgeon)” for the time period 1969 to 2012. In addition, the bibliographies of relevant articles were reviewed. This search strategy returned 404 titles. Abstract and article review identified 19 relevant to the topic. Bibliographic review identified five more articles of relevance forming the foundation for this review.Results:The delivery of American health care will require change to face current economic realities. Organizations that embrace this change guided by the insight of physician governors are well positioned to recognize the simultaneous improvement in value and quality. Although few physicians are formally trained for these roles, multiple paths to becoming effective governors are available.Conclusions:In this environment of rapid change in healthcare delivery, the medical insight of physician leadership will prove invaluable. Governing bodies should reach out to talented physicians and administratively talented physicians should rise to this challenge.