
Diffractive deep-inelastic scattering with a leading proton at HERA
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Original Paper
Aktas, A.Andreev, V.Anthonis, T.Antunovic, B.Aplin, S.Asmone, A.Astvatsatourov, A.Babaev, A.Backovic, S.Baghdasaryan, A.Baranov, P.Barrelet, E.Bartel, W.Baudrand, S.Baumgartner, S.Beckingham, M.Behnke, O.Behrendt, O.Belousov, A.Berger, N.Bizot, J.C.Boenig, M.-O.Boudry, V.Bracinik, J.Brandt, G.Brisson, V.Bruncko, D.Büsser, F.W.Bunyatyan, A.Buschhorn, G.Bystritskaya, L.Campbell, A.J.Cassol-Brunner, F.Cerny, K.Cerny, V.Chekelian, V.Contreras, J.G.Coughlan, J.A.Coppens, Y.R.Cox, B.E.Cozzika, G.Cvach, J.Dainton, J.B.Dau, W.D.Daum, K.de Boer, Y.Delcourt, B.Del Degan, M.De Roeck, A.De Wolf, E.A.Diaconu, C.Dodonov, V.Dubak, A.Eckerlin, G.Efremenko, V.Egli, S.Eichler, R.Eisele, F.Eliseev, A.Elsen, E.Essenov, S.Falkewicz, A.Faulkner, P.J.W.Favart, L.Fedotov, A.Felst, R.Feltesse, J.Ferencei, J.Finke, L.Fleischer, M.Flucke, G.Fomenko, A.Franke, G.Frisson, T.Gabathuler, E.Garutti, E.Gayler, J.Gerlich, C.Ghazaryan, S.Ginzburgskaya, S.Glazov, A.Glushkov, I.Goerlich, L.Goettlich, M.Gogitidze, N.Gorbounov, S.Grab, C.Greenshaw, T.Gregori, M.Grell, B.R.Grindhammer, G.Gwilliam, C.Haidt, D.Hansson, M.Heinzelmann, G.Henderson, R.C.W.Henschel, H.Herrera, G.Hildebrandt, M.Hiller, K.H.Hoffmann, D.Horisberger, R.Hovhannisyan, A.Hreus, T.Hussain, S.Ibbotson, M.Ismail, M.Jacquet, M.Janssen, X.Jemanov, V.Jönsson, L.Johnson, C.L.Johnson, D.P.Jung, A.W.Jung, H.Kapichine, M.Katzy, J.Kenyon, I.R.Kiesling, C.Klein, M.Kleinwort, C.Klimkovich, T.Kluge, T.Knies, G.Knutsson, A.Korbel, V.Kostka, P.Krastev, K.Kretzschmar, J.Kropivnitskaya, A.Krüger, K.Landon, M.P.J.Lange, W.Laštovička-Medin, G.Laycock, P.Lebedev, A.Leibenguth, G.Lendermann, V.Levonian, S.Lindfeld, L.Lipka, K.Liptaj, A.List, B.List, J.Lobodzinska, E.Loktionova, N.Lopez-Fernandez, R.Lubimov, V.Lucaci-Timoce, A.-I.Lueders, H.Lux, T.Lytkin, L.Makankine, A.Malden, N.Malinovski, E.Marage, P.Marshall, R.Marti, L.Martisikova, M.Martyn, H.-U.Maxfield, S.J.Mehta, A.Meier, K.Meyer, A.B.Meyer, H.Meyer, J.Michels, V.Mikocki, S.Milcewicz-Mika, I.Milstead, D.Mladenov, D.Mohamed, A.Moreau, F.Morozov, A.Morris, J.V.Mozer, M.U.Müller, K.Murín, P.Nankov, K.Naroska, B.Naumann, T.Newman, P.R.Niebuhr, C.Nikiforov, A.Nowak, G.Nowak, K.Nozicka, M.Oganezov, R.Olivier, B.Olsson, J.E.Osman, S.Ozerov, D.Palichik, V.Panagoulias, I.Papadopoulou, T.Pascaud, C.Patel, G.D.Peng, H.Perez, E.Perez-Astudillo, D.Perieanu, A.Petrukhin, A.Pitzl, D.Plačakytė, R.Portheault, B.Povh, B.Prideaux, P.Rahmat, A.J.Raicevic, N.Reimer, P.Rimmer, A.Risler, C.Rizvi, E.Robmann, P.Roland, B.Roosen, R.Rostovtsev, A.Rurikova, Z.Rusakov, S.Salvaire, F.Sankey, D.P.C.Sauter, M.Sauvan, E.Schilling, F.-P.Schmidt, S.Schmitt, S.Schmitz, C.Schoeffel, L.Schöning, A.Schultz-Coulon, H.-C.Sefkow, F.Shaw-West, R.N.Sheviakov, I.Shtarkov, L.N.Sloan, T.Smirnov, P.Soloviev, Y.South, D.Spaskov, V.Specka, A.Steder, M.Stella, B.Stiewe, J.Stoilov, A.Straumann, U.Sunar, D.Tchoulakov, V.Thompson, G.Thompson, P.D.Toll, T.Tomasz, F.Traynor, D.Trinh, T.N.Truöl, P.Tsakov, I.Tsipolitis, G.Tsurin, I.Turnau, J.Tzamariudaki, E.Urban, K.Urban, M.Usik, A.Utkin, D.Valkárová, A.Vallée, C.Van Mechelen, P.Vargas Trevino, A.Vazdik, Y.Veelken, C.Vinokurova, S.Volchinski, V.Wacker, K.Weber, G.Weber, R.Wegener, D.Werner, C.Wessels, M.Wessling, B.Wissing, C.Wolf, R.Wünsch, E.Xella, S.Yan, W.Yeganov, V.Žáček, J.Zálešák, J.Zhang, Z.Zhelezov, A.Zhokin, A.Zhu, Y.C.Zimmermann, J.Zimmermann, T.Zohrabyan, H.Zomer, F.
The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 48(3):749-766
Slope Parameter
ZEUS Collaboration
Normalisation Uncertainty
Pomeron Exchange
Reduce Cross Section
The cross section for the diffractive deep-inelastic scattering process ep→eXp is measured, with the leading final state proton detected in the H1 Forward Proton Spectrometer. The data analysed cover the range xIP<0.1 in fractional proton longitudinal momentum loss, 0.08<|t|<0.5 GeV-2 in squared four-momentum transfer at the proton vertex, 22<50 GeV2 in photon virtuality and 0.004<β=x/xIP<1, where x is the Bjorken scaling variable. For \documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{wasysym}\usepackage{amsfonts}\usepackage{amssymb}\usepackage{amsbsy}\usepackage{mathrsfs}\usepackage{upgreek}\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\begin{document}$x_{I\!\!P}\lesssim10^{-2}$\end{document}, the differential cross section has a dependence of approximately dσ/dt∝e6t, independently of xIP, β and Q2 within uncertainties. The cross section is also measured triple differentially in xIP, β and Q2. The xIP dependence is interpreted in terms of an effective pomeron trajectory with intercept αIP(0)=1.114±0.018(stat.)±0.012(syst.)+0.040-0.020(model) and a sub-leading exchange. The data are in good agreement with an H1 measurement for which the event selection is based on a large gap in the rapidity distribution of the final state hadrons, after accounting for proton dissociation contributions in the latter. Within uncertainties, the dependence of the cross section on x and Q2 can thus be factorised from the dependences on all studied variables which characterise the proton vertex, for both the pomeron and the sub-leading exchange.