
Improved measurements of the B0 and B+ meson lifetimes
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Original Paper
Akers, R.Alexander, G.Allison, J.Ametewee, K.Anderson, K. J.Arcelli, S.Asai, S.Axen, D.Azuelos, G.Ball, A. H.Barberio, E.Barlow, R. J.Bartoldus, R.Batley, J. R.Beaudoin, G.Beck, A.Beck, G. A.Beeston, C.Behnke, T.Bell, K. W.Bella, G.Bentvelsen, S.Berlich, P.Bethke, S.Biebel, O.Bloodworth, I. J.Bock, P.Bosch, H. M.Boutemeur, M.Braibant, S.Bright-Thomas, P.Brown, R. M.Buijs, A.Burckhart, H. J.Bürgin, R.Burgard, C.Capdevielle, N.Capiluppi, P.Carnegie, R. K.Carter, A. A.Carter, J. R.Chang, C. Y.Charlesworth, C.Charlton, D. G.Chu, S. L.Clarke, P. E. L.Clayton, J. C.Clowes, S. G.Cohen, I.Conboy, J. E.Cooke, O. C.Cuffiani, M.Dado, S.Dallapiccola, C.Dallavalle, G. M.Darling, C.De Jong, S.del Pozo, L. A.Deng, H.Dittmar, M.Dixit, M. S.do Couto e Silva, E.Duboscq, J. E.Duchovni, E.Duckeck, G.Duerdoth, I. P.Dunwoody, U. C.Edwards, J. E. G.Elcombe, P. A.Estabrooks, P. G.Etzion, E.Evans, H. G.Fabbri, F.Fabbro, B.Fanti, M.Fath, P.Fierro, M.Fincke-Keeler, M.Fischer, H. M.Fischer, P.Folman, R.Fong, D. G.Foucher, M.Fukui, H.Fürtjes, A.Gagnon, P.Gaidot, A.Gary, J. W.Gascon, J.Geddes, N. I.Geich-Gimbel, C.Gensler, S. W.Gentit, F. X.Geralis, T.Giacomelli, G.Giacomelli, P.Giacomelli, R.Gibson, V.Gibson, W. R.Gillies, J. D.Goldberg, J.Gingrich, D. M.Goodrick, M. J.Gorn, W.Grandi, C.Gross, E.Hagemann, J.Hanson, G. G.Hansroul, M.Hargrove, C. K.Hart, P. A.Hauschild, M.Hawkes, C. M.Heflin, E.Hemingway, R. J.Herten, G.Heuer, R. D.Hill, J. C.Hillier, S. J.Hilse, T.Hobson, P. R.Hochman, D.Homer, R. J.Honma, A. K.Howard, R.Hughes-Jones, R. E.Igo-Kemenes, P.Imrie, D. C.Jawahery, A.Jeffreys, P. W.Jeremie, H.Jimack, M.Jones, M.Jones, R. W. L.Jovanovic, P.Jui, C.Karlen, D.Kanzaki, J.Kawagoe, K.Kawamoto, T.Keeler, R. K.Kellogg, R. G.Kennedy, B. W.King, B.King, J.Kirk, J.Kluth, S.Kobayashi, T.Kobel, M.Koetke, D. S.Kokott, T. P.Komamiya, S.Kowalewski, R.Kress, T.Krieger, P.von Krogh, J.Kyberd, P.Lafferty, G. D.Lafoux, H.Lahmann, R.Lai, W. P.Lauber, J.Layter, J. G.Leblanc, P.Lee, A. M.Lefebvre, E.Lellouch, D.Leroy, C.Letts, J.Levinson, L.Lloyd, S. L.Loebinger, F. K.Long, G. D.Lorazo, B.Losty, M. J.Lou, X. C.Ludwig, J.Luig, A.Mannelli, M.Marcellini, S.Markus, C.Martin, A. J.Martin, J. P.Mashimo, T.Matthews, W.Mättig, P.Maur, U.McKenna, J.McMahon, T. J.McNab, A. I.Meijers, F.Merritt, F. S.Mes, H.Michelini, A.Middleton, R. P.Mikenberg, G.Miller, D. J.Mir, R.Mohr, W.Montanari, A.Mori, T.Morii, M.Müller, U.Nellen, B.Nijjhar, B.O'Neale, S. W.Oakham, F. G.Odorici, F.Ogren, H. O.Oldershaw, N. J.Oram, C. J.Oreglia, M. J.Orito, S.Palmonari, F.Pansart, J. P.Patrick, G. N.Pearce, M. J.Phillips, P. D.Pilcher, J. E.Pinfold, J.Plane, D. E.Poffenberger, P.Poli, B.Posthaus, A.Pritchard, T. W.Przysiezniak, H.Redmond, M. W.Rees, D. L.Rigby, D.Rison, M. G.Robins, S. A.Robinson, D.Rodning, N.Roney, J. M.Ros, E.Rossi, A. M.Rosvick, M.Routenburg, P.Rozen, Y.Runge, K.Runolfsson, O.Rust, D. R.Sasaki, M.Sbarra, C.Schaile, A. D.Schaile, O.Scharf, F.Scharff-Hansen, P.Schenk, P.Schmitt, B.Schröder, M.Schultz-Coulon, H. C.Schütz, P.Schulz, M.Schwick, C.Schwiening, J.Scott, W. G.Settles, M.Shears, T. G.Shen, B. C.Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H.Sherwood, P.Siroli, G. P.Skillman, A.Skuja, A.Smith, A. M.Smith, T. J.Snow, G. A.Sobie, R.Söldner-Rembold, S.Springer, R. W.Sproston, M.Stahl, A.Starks, M.Stegmann, C.Stephens, K.Steuerer, J.Stockhausen, B.Strom, D.Szymanski, P.Tafirout, R.Takeda, H.Takeshita, T.Taras, P.Tarem, S.Tecchio, M.Teixeira-Dias, P.Tesch, N.Thomson, M. A.Tousignant, O.Towers, S.Tscheulin, M.Tsukamoto, T.Turcot, A. S.Turner-Watson, M. F.Utzat, P.Van Kooten, R.Vasseur, G.Vikas, P.Vincter, M.Wagner, A.Wagner, D. L.Ward, C. P.Ward, D. R.Ward, J. J.Watkins, P. M.Watson, A. T.Watson, N. K.Weber, P.Wells, P. S.Wermes, N.Wilkens, B.Wilson, G. W.Wilson, J. A.Winterer, V-H.Wlodek, T.Wolf, G.Wotton, S.Wyatt, T. R.Yeaman, A.Yekutieli, G.Yurko, M.Zacek, V.Zeuner, W.Zorn, G. T.OPAL Collaboration
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. September 1995 67(3):379-388
Updated measurements of the B0 and B+ meson lifetimes are presented. From a data sample of 1.72 million hadronic Z0 decays recorded during the period 1991 to 1993, a sample of approximately 1000 semileptonic B meson decays containing a D0, D+ or D*+ has been isolated. From the distribution of decay times in the different samples the lifetimes of the B0 and B+ mesons are determined to be 1.53±0.12±0.08 ps and 1.52±0.14±0.09 ps, respectively, where the first error is statistical and the second systematic. The ratio of the B+ to B0 lifetimes is measured to be 0.99±0.14−0.04+0.05, confirming expectations that the lifetimes are similar.