
Double enhancement effect of a surface dose with tungsten rubber bolus in photon radiotherapy for keloids and superficial tumors
Document Type
Original Paper
Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine: The Official Journal of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine. 46(1):179-184
Superficial tumor
Tungsten rubber
Photon radiotherapy
To clarify the dosimetric characteristics of a real-time variable shape rubber-containing tungsten (STR) bolus in a clinical plan and investigate the efficacy of the STR bolus in photon radiotherapy for keloids and other superficial tumors. A 5 mm gel bolus or 1 mm STR bolus was placed on a solid water phantom. Tangential irradiation was performed using a TomoTherapy Radixact-X9 and 6 MV X-ray flattening-filter-free beam, and the surface dose was measured with radiochromic film. Clinical-like plans (TomoDirect; TD and TomoHelical; TH) were applied with the same geometry and the dose distributions were measured. The increase in surface dose by the build-up effect and backscatter was 37.7% and 8.0% for the gel bolus, and 40.5% and 26.4% for the STR bolus, respectively. In the TD and TH plans, the increase in surface dose was 27.4% and 48.3% for the gel bolus, and 39.0% and 63.2% for the STR bolus. Similary, changes in the sagittal plane dose were − 3.9% and 6.1% for the gel bolus, and − 6.3% and 6.9% for the STR bolus. The STR bolus effectively increased the surface dose by the build-up effect and backscatter in photon radiotherapy for keloids and other superficial tumors.