
Diffractive dijet production at HERA
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Original Paper
Adloff, C.Anderson, M.Andreev, V.Andrieu, B.Arkadov, V.Arndt, C.Ayyaz, I.Babaev, A.Bähr, J.Ban, J.Baranov, P.Barrelet, E.Barschke, R.Bartel, W.Bassler, U.Bate, P.Beck, M.Beglarian, A.Behnke, O.Behrend, H. -J.Beier, C.Belousov, A.Berger, Ch.Bernardi, G.Bertrand-Coremans, G.Biddulph, P.Bizot, J. C.Boudry, V.Braemer, A.Braunschweig, W.Brisson, V.Brown, D. P.Brückner, W.Bruel, P.Bruncko, D.Bürger, J.Büsser, F. W.Buniatian, A.Burke, S.Buschhorn, G.Calvet, D.Campbell, A. J.Carli, T.Chabert, E.Charlet, M.Clarke, D.Clerbaux, B.Cocks, S.Contreras, J. G.Cormack, C.Coughlan, J. A.Cousinou, M. -C.Cox, B. E.Cozzika, G.Cvach, J.Dainton, J. B.Dau, W. D.Daum, K.David, M.Davidsson, M.De Roeck, A.De Wolf, E. A.Delcourt, B.Demirchyan, R.Diaconu, C.Dirkmann, M.Dixon, P.Dlugosz, W.Donovan, K. T.Dowell, J. D.Droutskoi, A.Ebert, J.Eckerlin, G.Eckstein, D.Efremenko, V.Egli, S.Eichler, R.Eisele, F.Eisenhandler, E.Elsen, E.Enzenberger, M.Erdmann, M.Fahr, A. B.Favart, L.Fedotov, A.Felst, R.Feltesse, J.Ferencei, J.Ferrarotto, F.Fleischer, M.Flügge, G.Fomenko, A.Formánek, J.Foster, J. M.Franke, G.Gabathuler, E.Gabathuler, K.Gaede, F.Garvey, J.Gayler, J.Gebauer, M.Gerhards, R.Ghazaryan, S.Glazov, A.Goerlich, L.Gogitidze, N.Goldberg, M.Gorelov, I.Grab, C.Grässler, H.Greenshaw, T.Griffiths, R. K.Grindhammer, G.Gruber, C.Hadig, T.Haidt, D.Hajduk, L.Haller, T.Hampe, M.Haustein, V.Haynes, W. J.Heinemann, B.Heinzelmann, G.Henderson, R. C. W.Hengstmann, S.Henschel, H.Heremans, R.Herynek, I.Hewitt, K.Hiller, K. H.Hilton, C. D.Hladky, J.Hoffmann, D.Holtom, T.Horisberger, R.Hudgson, V. L.Hurling, S.Ibbotson, M.İşsever, Ç.Itterbeck, H.Jacquet, M.Jaffre, M.Jansen, D. M.Jönsson, L.Johnson, D. P.Jung, H.Kaestli, H. C.Kander, M.Kant, D.Karlsson, M.Kathage, U.Katzy, J.Kaufmann, O.Kausch, M.Kenyon, I. R.Kermiche, S.Keuker, C.Riesling, C.Klein, M.Kleinwort, C.Knies, G.Könne, J. H.Kolanoski, H.Kolya, S. D.Korbel, V.Kostka, P.Kotelnikov, S. K.Krämerkämper, T.Krasny, M. W.Krehbiel, H.Krücker, D.Küpper, A.Küster, H.Kuhlen, M.Kurča, T.Laforge, B.Lahmann, R.Landon, M. P. J.Lange, W.Langenegger, U.Lebedev, A.Lehner, F.Lemaitre, V.Levonian, S.Lindstroem, M.List, B.Lobo, G.Lubimov, V.Luke, D.Lytkin, L.Magnussen, N.Mahlke-Krüger, H.Malinovski, E.Maraček, R.Marage, P.Marks, J.Marshall, R.Martin, G.Martyn, H. -U.Martyniak, J.Maxfield, S. J.McMahon, S. J.McMahon, T. R.Mehta, A.Meier, K.Merkel, P.Metlica, F.Meyer, A.Meyer, A.Meyer, H.Meyer, J.Meyer, P. -O.Mikocki, S.Milstead, D.Moeck, J.Mohr, R.Mohrdieck, S.Moreau, F.Morris, J. V.Mroczko, E.Müller, D.Müller, K.Murín, P.Nagovizin, V.Naroska, B.Naumann, Th.Négri, I.Newman, P. R.Newton, D.Nguyen, H. K.Nicholls, T. C.Niebergall, F.Niebuhr, C.Niedzballa, Ch.Niggli, H.Nix, O.Nowak, G.Nunnemann, T.Oberlack, H.Olsson, J. E.Ozerov, D.Palmen, P.Panaro, E.Pascaud, C.Passaggio, S.Patel, G. D.Pawletta, H.Peppel, E.Perez, E.Phillips, J. P.Pieuchot, A.Pitzl, D.Pösch, R.Pope, G.Povh, B.Rabbertz, K.Reimer, P.Reisert, B.Rick, H.Riess, S.Rizvi, E.Robmann, P.Roosen, R.Rosenbauer, K.Rostovtsev, A.Rouse, F.Royon, C.Rusakov, S.Rybicki, K.Sankey, D. P. C.Schacht, P.Scheins, J.Schiek, S.Schleif, S.Schleper, P.Schmidt, D.Schmidt, G.Schoeffe, L.Schröder, V.Schultz-Coulon, H. -C.Schwab, B.Sefkow, F.Semenov, A.Sheelyan, V.Sheviakov, I.Shtarkov, L. N.Siegmon, G.Sirois, Y.Sloan, T.Smirnov, P.Smith, M.Solochenko, V.Soloviev, Y.Specka, A.Spiekermann, J.Spitzer, H.Squinabol, F.Steffen, P.Steinberg, R.Steinhart, J.Stella, B.Stellberger, A.Stiewe, J.Straumann, U.Struczinski, W.Sutton, J. P.Swart, M.Tapprogge, S.Taševský, M.Tchernyshov, V.Tchetchelnitski, S.Theissen, J.Thompson, G.Thompson, P. D.Tobien, N.Todenhagen, R.Truöl, P.Tsipolitis, G.Turnau, J.Tzamariudaki, E.Udluft, S.Usik, A.Valkár, S.Valkárová, A.Vallée, C.Van Esch, P.Van Mechelen, P.Vazdik, Y.Villet, G.Wacker, K.Wallny, R.Walter, T.Waugh, B.Weber, G.Weber, M.Wegener, D.Wegner, A.Wengler, T.Werner, M.West, L. R.Wiesand, S.Wilksen, T.Willard, S.Winde, M.Winter, G. -G.Wittek, C.Wittmann, E.Wobisch, M.Wollatz, H.Wünsch, E.Žáček, J.Zálešâk, J.Zhang, Z.Zhokin, A.Zini, P.Zomer, F.Zsembery, J.zurNedden, M.H1 Collaboration
The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. January 1999 6(3):421-436
Interactions of the type ep → eXY are studied, where the component X of the hadronic final state contains two jets and is well separated in rapidity from a leading baryonic system Y. Analyses are performed of both resolved and direct photoproduction and of deep-inelastic scattering with photon virtualities in the range 7.5 < Q2 < 80 GeV2. Cross sections are presented where Y has mass MY < 1.6 GeV, the squared four-momentum transferred at the proton vertex satisfies |t| < 1 GeV2 and the two jets each have transverse momentum pTjet > 5 GeV relative to the photon direction in the rest frame of X. Models based on a factorisable diffractive exchange with a gluon dominated structure, evolved to a scale set by the transverse momentum $$q\bar q$$ production, as calculated in perturbative QCD using the squared proton gluon density, represents at most a small fraction of the measured cross section. The compatibility of the data with a breaking of diffractive factorisation due to spectator interactions in resolved photoproduction is investigated.