
Successful Alert Issuance with Sufficient Lead Time by Uttarakhand State Earthquake Early Warning System: Case Study of Nepal Earthquakes
Document Type
Original Paper
Journal of the Geological Society of India. 99(3):303-310
Three moderate earthquakes on November 9, 2022, November 12, 2022, and January 24, 2023 occurred in Western Nepal region of Magnitudes 5.8, 5.4 and 5.8 respectively. The epicenters were ∼100 km away from the Uttarakhand State Earthquake Early Warning System (UEEWS) network which consists of 169 seismic sensors in oval shape network with larger axis of about 280 km in East-West and 120 km in North-South in Uttarakhand-Dharchula seismic gap, a region of central seismic gap of Indian Himalaya. The strong motions recorded by UEEWS were fetched in real-time at the central server in Roorkee through dedicated private network. The central server issued notifications and warning alerts to the public of Uttarakhand on the mobile app, ‘Uttarakhand Bhookamp Alert’ installed by them. The success story of issuance of warning along with location of triggered sensors, epicenter of earthquakes and lead time people got in these events are elaborated in this article. Specially, these three moderate earthquakes albeit not triggered in the instrumented area, issuance of warning to the public by UEEWS network is noteworthy. Encouragingly, these events have been considered an example to rationalize establishment of earthquake early warning system in the other parts of the Himalayan regions.