
Study of b-quark mass effects in multijet topologies with the DELPHI detector at LEP
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Original Paper
Abdallah, J.Abreu, P.Adam, W.Adzic, P.Albrecht, T.Alemany-Fernandez, R.Allmendinger, T.Allport, P.P.Amaldi, U.Amapane, N.Amato, S.Anashkin, E.Andreazza, A.Andringa, S.Anjos, N.Antilogus, P.Apel, W-D.Arnoud, Y.Ask, S.Asman, B.Augustin, J.E.Augustinus, A.Baillon, P.Ballestrero, A.Bambade, P.Barbier, R.Bardin, D.Barker, G.J.Baroncelli, A.Battaglia, M.Baubillier, M.Becks, K-H.Begalli, M.Behrmann, A.Ben-Haim, E.Benekos, N.Benvenuti, A.Berat, C.Berggren, M.Bertrand, D.Besancon, M.Besson, N.Bloch, D.Blom, M.Bluj, M.Bonesini, M.Boonekamp, M.Booth, P.S.L.Borisov, G.Botner, O.Bouquet, B.Bowcock, T.J.V.Boyko, I.Bracko, M.Brenner, R.Brodet, E.Bruckman, P.Brunet, J.M.Buschbeck, B.Buschmann, P.Calvi, M.Camporesi, T.Canale, V.Carena, F.Castro, N.Cavallo, F.Chapkin, M.Charpentier, Ph.Checchia, P.Chierici, R.Chliapnikov, P.Chudoba, J.Chung, S.U.Cieslik, K.Collins, P.Contri, R.Cosme, G.Cossutti, F.Costa, M.J.Crennell, D.Cuevas, J.D’Hondt, J.da Silva, T.Da Silva, W.Della Ricca, G.De Angelis, A.De Boer, W.De Clercq, C.De Lotto, B.De Maria, N.De Min, A.de Paula, L.Di Ciaccio, L.Di Simone, A.Doroba, K.Drees, J.Eigen, G.Ekelof, T.Ellert, M.Elsing, M.Espirito Santo, M.C.Fanourakis, G.Fassouliotis, D.Feindt, M.Fernandez, J.Ferrer, A.Ferro, F.Flagmeyer, U.Foeth, H.Fokitis, E.Fulda-Quenzer, F.Fuster, J.Gandelman, M.Garcia, C.Gavillet, Ph.Gazis, E.Gokieli, R.Golob, B.Gomez-Ceballos, G.Goncalves, P.Graziani, E.Grosdidier, G.Grzelak, K.Guy, J.Haag, C.Hallgren, A.Hamacher, K.Hamilton, K.Haug, S.Hauler, F.Hedberg, V.Hennecke, M.Herr, H.Hoffman, J.Holmgren, S-O.Holt, P.J.Houlden, M.A.Jackson, J.N.Jarlskog, G.Jarry, P.Jeans, D.Johansson, E.K.Jonsson, P.Joram, C.Jungermann, L.Kapusta, F.Katsanevas, S.Katsoufis, E.Kernel, G.Kersevan, B.P.Kerzel, U.King, B.T.Kjaer, N.J.Kluit, P.Kokkinias, P.Kourkoumelis, C.Kouznetsov, O.Krumstein, Z.Kucharczyk, M.Lamsa, J.Leder, G.Ledroit, F.Leinonen, L.Leitner, R.Lemonne, J.Lepeltier, V.Lesiak, T.Liebig, W.Liko, D.Lipniacka, A.Lopes, J.H.Lopez, J.M.Loukas, D.Lutz, P.Lyons, L.MacNaughton, J.Malek, A.Maltezos, S.Mandl, F.Marco, J.Marco, R.Marechal, B.Margoni, M.Marin, J-C.Mariotti, C.Markou, A.Martinez-Rivero, C.Masik, J.Mastroyiannopoulos, N.Matorras, F.Matteuzzi, C.Mazzucato, F.Mazzucato, M.Mc Nulty, R.Meroni, C.Migliore, E.Mitaroff, W.Mjoernmark, U.Moa, T.Moch, M.Moenig, K.Monge, R.Montenegro, J.Moraes, D.Moreno, S.Morettini, P.Mueller, U.Muenich, K.Mulders, M.Mundim, L.Murray, W.Muryn, B.Myatt, G.Myklebust, T.Nassiakou, M.Navarria, F.Nawrocki, K.Nicolaidou, R.Nikolenko, M.Oblakowska-Mucha, A.Obraztsov, V.Olshevski, A.Onofre, A.Orava, R.Osterberg, K.Ouraou, A.Oyanguren, A.Paganoni, M.Paiano, S.Palacios, J.P.Palka, H.Papadopoulou, Th.D.Pape, L.Parkes, C.Parodi, F.Parzefall, U.Passeri, A.Passon, O.Peralta, L.Perepelitsa, V.Perrotta, A.Petrolini, A.Piedra, J.Pieri, L.Pierre, F.Pimenta, M.Piotto, E.Podobnik, T.Poireau, V.Pol, M.E.Polok, G.Pozdniakov, V.Pukhaeva, N.Pullia, A.Rames, J.Read, A.Rebecchi, P.Rehn, J.Reid, D.Reinhardt, R.Renton, P.Richard, F.Ridky, J.Rivero, M.Rodriguez, D.Romero, A.Ronchese, P.Roudeau, P.Rovelli, T.Ruhlmann-Kleider, V.Ryabtchikov, D.Sadovsky, A.Salmi, L.Salt, J.Sander, C.Savoy-Navarro, A.Schwickerath, U.Sekulin, R.Siebel, M.Sisakian, A.Smadja, G.Smirnova, O.Sokolov, A.Sopczak, A.Sosnowski, R.Spassov, T.Stanitzki, M.Stocchi, A.Strauss, J.Stugu, B.Szczekowski, M.Szeptycka, M.Szumlak, T.Tabarelli, T.Tegenfeldt, F.Timmermans, J.Tkatchev, L.Tobin, M.Todorovova, S.Tome, B.Tonazzo, A.Tortosa, P.Travnicek, P.Treille, D.Tristram, G.Trochimczuk, M.Troncon, C.Turluer, M-L.Tyapkin, I.A.Tyapkin, P.Tzamarias, S.Uvarov, V.Valenti, G.Van Dam, P.Van Eldik, J.van Remortel, N.Van Vulpen, I.Vegni, G.Veloso, F.Venus, W.Verdier, P.Verzi, V.Vilanova, D.Vitale, L.Vrba, V.Wahlen, H.Washbrook, A.J.Weiser, C.Wicke, D.Wickens, J.Wilkinson, G.Winter, M.Witek, M.Yushchenko, O.Zalewska, A.Zalewski, P.Zavrtanik, D.Zhuravlov, V.Zimin, N.I.Zintchenko, A.Zupan, M.The DELPHI Collaboration
The European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields. June 2008 55(4):525-538
The effect of the heavy b-quark mass on the two, three and four-jet rates is studied using LEP data collected by the DELPHI experiment at the Z peak in 1994 and 1995. The rates of b-quark jets and light quark jets (ℓ=uds) in events with n=2, 3, and 4 jets, together with the ratio of two and four-jet rates of b-quarks with respect to light-quarks, Rnbℓ, have been measured with a double-tag technique using the CAMBRIDGE jet-clustering algorithm. A comparison between experimental results and theory (matrix element or Monte Carlo event generators such as PYTHIA, HERWIG and ARIADNE) is done after the hadronisation phase.Using the four-jet observable R4bℓ, a measurement of the b-quark mass using massive leading-order calculations gives:$m_b(M_Z) = 3.76 \pm0.32 ({\text{stat}}) \pm0.17 ({\text{syst}}) \pm0.22 ({\text{had}}) \pm0.90 ({\text{theo}})\,\text{GeV}/c^2\,.$ This result is compatible with previous three-jet determinations at the MZ energy scale and with low energy mass measurements evolved to the MZ scale using QCD renormalisation group equations.