
Mandibular morphometric analysis in open bite early treatment relapse subjects: a retrospective observational pilot study
Document Type
Original Paper
BMC Oral Health. 22(1)
Anterior open bite
Early orthodontic treatment
Treatment relapse features
Mandibular shape analysis
Background: The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the mandibular shape differences between a group of success and a group of failure Anterior Open Bite (AOB) malocclusion early orthodontic treatment in growing subjects, in order to identify mandibular features of relapse.Methods: Twenty three patients (7 males, 16 females, 9.3 years ±1,5 years) were enrolled from the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Inclusion criteria were: white ancestry, overbite < 0 mm, mixed dentition phase, end-to-end or Class I molar relationship, first skeletal class assessed on lateral cephalograms (0° < ANB < 4°), cervical skeletal maturation CS1-CS2, no previous orthodontic treatment, no congenital diseases. Pre-treatment (T1) lateral cephalograms were acquired. Each patient underwent early orthodontic treatment with Rapid Maxillary Expander (RME) and Bite Block (BB) or Quad-Helix Crib (QHC) until open bite correction. Radiographic records were recollected at T2 (permanent dentition, skeletal cervical maturation CS3-CS4). Mean interval time T2-T1 was 4.2 years ±6 months. According to treatment stability, a Relapse Group (RG 11 patients, 3 M, 8F; 13.7 years ±8 months, 7 subjects treated with RME/BB, 4 with QH/C) and a Success Group (SG, 12 patients, 4 M, 8F; 13.4 ± 10 months, 7 subjects treated with QH/C, 5 with RME/BB) were identified. On the lateral radiographs the mandibular length (Co-Gn), the inferior gonial angle (NGo^GoMe) and the antegonial notch depth (AND) were analyzed. Then the mandibular Geometric Morphometric analysis (GMM) was applied. Intergroup statistically significant differences were found using student’s t-tests. Procrustes analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) were performed for the GMM.Results: At T1 no statistically significant differences were found between RG and SG, however higher values of antegonial notch depth were found in RG. T2-T1 comparison showed in RG statistically significant increases in Co-Gn (p = 0.04), NGo^GoMe angle (p = 0.01) and antegonial notch depth (p = 0,04). PC1 confirmed the increase in the antegonial notch depth in RG when compared to SG at T2.Conclusions: The increased antegonial notch depth associated with the increased mandibular length and the increased gonial angle could be responsible of relapse of early orthodontic treatment in open bite growing subjects.