
The Attitudes and Participation of Men in Making Decisions About the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy
Document Type
Original Paper
Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 20(3):1064-1071
Introduction: The voluntary interruption of pregnancy is a persistent issue. There are two general positions on abortion: “pro-life” and “pro-choice,” both of which recognize the exclusive decision of the woman to continue or interrupt the pregnancy. There is thus no recognition of the role of the man, despite the evident participation that he has from conception. Therefore, this research aimed to ascertain men’s moral stance on abortion and identify their participation in decisions regarding the voluntary interruption of pregnancy.Methods: A study was carried out with 625 young Mexican university students using three instruments: sociodemographic data, as well as a questionnaire and a scale measuring attitude toward abortion. The surveys were conducted in 2019.Results: The results showed a preference for the pro-choice position, while the pro-life stance received a higher score from the group of women. It was considered that the participation of the man coincides with recognizing the exclusiveness of the woman’s decision, if the scenario was favorable for having the baby. If the scenario was unfavorable, coupled with the man’s desire not to have the baby, the responses of the men’s group preferred to opt for an abortion.Conclusions and Policy Implications: Therefore, this research provides information on a subject not widely explored scientifically concerning the role of men in the abortion decision-making process, which offers relevant evidence for future studies on abortion. The research also contributes to the current dialogue in Mexico on the decriminalization of abortion since the country is currently undergoing a political transformation to legalize the voluntary interruption of pregnancy.