
Chlorophyll fluorometry in evaluating photosynthetic performance: key limitations, possibilities, perspectives and alternatives
Document Type
Review Paper
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants: An International Journal of Functional Plant Biology. 28(11-12):2041-2056
Fourier PAM
Multicolor PAM
Fourier photoacoustics
Anoxygenic photosynthesis
Quantum yield
Photosystem II
Non-destructive methods for the assessment of photosynthetic parameters of plants are widely applied to evaluate rapidly the photosynthetic performance, plant health, and shifts in plant productivity induced by environmental and cultivation conditions. Most of these methods are based on measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics, particularly on pulse modulation (PAM) fluorometry. In this paper, fluorescence methods are critically discussed in regard to some their possibilities and limitations inherent to vascular plants and microalgae. Attention is paid to the potential errors related to the underestimation of thylakoidal cyclic electron transport and anoxygenic photosynthesis. PAM-methods are also observed considering the color-addressed measurements. Photoacoustic methods are discussed as an alternative and supplement to fluorometry. Novel Fourier modifications of PAM-fluorometry and photoacoustics are noted as tools allowing simultaneous application of a dual or multi frequency measuring light for one sample.