
Isolation and molecular characterization of the Salmonella Typhimurium orphan phage Arash
Document Type
Original Paper
BMC Microbiology. 23(1)
Salmonella Typhimurium
Novel phage genus
The current threat of multidrug resistant strains necessitates development of alternatives to antibiotics such as bacteriophages. This study describes the isolation and characterization of a novel Salmonella Typhimurium phage ‘Arash’ from hospital wastewater in Leuven, Belgium. Arash has a myovirus morphology with a 95 nm capsid and a 140 nm tail. The host range of Arash is restricted to its isolation host. Approximately 86% of the phage particles are adsorbed to a host cell within 10 min. Arash has latent period of 65 min and burst size of 425 PFU/cell. Arash has a dsDNA genome of 180,819 bp with GC content of 53.02% with no similarities to any characterized phages, suggesting Arash as a novel species in the novel ‘Arashvirus’ genus. Arash carries no apparent lysogeny-, antibiotic resistance- nor virulence-related genes. Proteome analysis revealed 116 proteins as part of the mature phage particles of which 27 could be assigned a function. Therefore, the present findings shed light on the morphological, microbiological and genomic characteristics of Arash and suggest its potential application as therapeutic and/or biocontrol agent.