
Understanding the boosters of employees’ voluntary pro-environmental behavior: a time-lagged investigation
Document Type
Original Paper
Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development. 26(4):9847-9869
Voluntary pro-environmental behavior (VPEB)
Public organizations
Employees’ perceptions of CSR
Organizational citizenship behaviors
Employees’ habit
This research investigated the influence of situational aspects and internal psychological conditions on the employees’ decisions to perform voluntary pro-environmental behavior (VPEB). The current research employs a framework that combines the TPB, NAM, and CADM models. We also identified the moderating relation between employees’ behavioral intention and voluntary pro-environmental behavior. Data were collected using a time-lagged approach in three waves from 640 respondents. Employees’ perceptions of CSR significantly influence the intention to perform VPEB. Employees’ habits enhance the relationship between employees’ behavioral intention and VPEB. The research contributes to the extant literature by shedding light on the factors influencing the employees’ VPEB. It also has practical implications for public organizations to enhance CSR initiatives and to promote the norms related to desired pro-environmental behaviors.