
How Do Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowships Prepare Graduates as Educators? A Survey of Program Directors and Graduates in the United States
Document Type
Original Paper
Medical Science Educator. 30(2):749-765
Medical education
Pediatric hospital medicine
Competency-based medical education
Pediatric hospital medicine (PHM) is the newest recognized subspecialty in pediatrics within the United States. While fellowships in PHM have been available for several years, completion of a 2-year fellowship has become a requirement for subspecialty certification. Pediatric hospitalists provide substantial teaching to trainees, and therefore, PHM fellowships must include dedicated training around teaching and medical education. The purpose of this study was to determine how current PHM fellowships prepare graduates for their roles as medical educators. Two surveys were developed from the published PHM core competencies and Entrustable Professional Activities for pediatric subspecialties. One survey was disseminated to all active PHM program directors and the second was disseminated to all PHM fellowship graduates who completed training between 2012 and 2016. Items included those related to program structure and training/assessment in medical education. A total of 21 program directors (response rate = 58%) and 46 fellowship graduates (response rate = 46%) participated in the survey. All graduates (100%) reported teaching learners in their current setting. Many (67%) fellowship programs offered formal training in medical education, and this is greater than the 50% that was previously described. Direct observation (71%) was the most common method of assessment. Most graduates reported their fellowship provided optimal training in feedback and teaching during family centered rounds but suboptimal training in other skills such as curriculum development. The results of this study highlight areas for improvement in fellowship curriculum and assessment to better prepare fellows for their roles as educators.