
Multiplicity distributions and charged-neutral fluctuations
Document Type
Original Paper
Nayak, Tapan KAggarwal, MMAgnihotri, AAhammed, ZAngelis, ALSAntonenko, VArefiev, VAstakhov, VAvdeitchikov, VAwes, TCBaba, PVKSBadyal, SKBaldine, ABarabach, LBarlag, CBathe, SBatiounia, BBernier, TBhalla, KBBhatia, VSBlume, CBock, RBohne, E-MBucher, DBuijs, ABuis, E-JBüsching, HCarlen, LChalyshev, VChattopadhyay, SChenawi, KECherbatchev, RChujo, TClaussen, ADas, ACDecowski, MPDjordjadze, VDonni, PDoubovik, IDubey, AKDutta Majumdar, MREliseev, SEnosawa, KFeldmann, HFoka, PFokin, SFrolov, VGanti, MSGarpman, SGavrishchuk, OGeurts, FJMGhosh, TKGlasow, RGupta, SKGuskov, BGustafsson, HAGutbrod, HHHiguchi, RHrivanacova, IIppolitov, MKalechofsky, HKamermans, RKampert, K-HKaradjev, KKarpio, KKato, SKees, SKim, HKolb, BWKosarev, IKoutcheryaev, IKugler, AKulinich, PKumar, VKurata, MKurita, KKuzmin, NLangbein, ILebedev, ALee, YYLöhner, HMahapatra, DPManko, VMartin, MMaximov, AMehdiyev, RMgebrichvili, GMiake, YMikhalev, DMishra, GCMiyamoto, YMohanty, BMorrison, DMukhopadhyay, DSMyalkovski, VNaef, HNandi, BKNayak, SKNayak, TKNeumaier, SNianine, ANikitine, VNikolaev, SNishimura, SNomokov, PNystrand, JObenshain, FEOskarsson, AOtterlund, IPachr, MParfenov, APavliouk, SPeitzmann, TPetracek, VPlasil, FPurschke, MLRaeven, BRak, JRaniwala, RRaniwala, SRamamurthy, VSRao, NKRetiere, FReygers, KRoland, GRosselet, LRoufanov, IRubio, JMSambyal, SSSanto, RSato, SSchlagheck, HSchmidt, H-RShabratova, GSibiriak, ISiemiarczuk, TSinha, BCSlavine, NSöderström, KSolomey, NSood, GSørensen, SPStankus, PStefanek, GSteinberg, PStenlund, EStüken, DSumbera, MSvensson, TTrivedi, MDTsvetkov, ATwenhöfel, CTykarski, LUrbahn, JEijndhoven, NVHeeringen, WHVNieuwenhuizen, GJVVinogradov, AViyogi, YPVodopianov, AVörös, SVos, MAWyslouch, BYagi, KYokota, YYoung, GR
Pramana: Journal of Physics. August 2001 57(2-3):285-300
Quark-gluon plasma
disoriented chiral condensates
Results from the multiplicity distributions of inclusive photons and charged particles, scaling of particle multiplicities, event-by-event multiplicity fluctuations, and charged-neutral fluctuations in 158A GeV Pb+Pb collisions are presented and discussed. A scaling of charged particle multiplicity as Npart1.07±0.05 and photos as Npart1.12±0.03 have been observed, indicating violation of naive wounded nucleon model. The analysis of localized charged-neutral fluctuation indicates a model-independent demonstration of non-statistical fluctuations in both charged particles and photons in limited azimuthal regions. However, no correlated charged-neutral fluctuations are observed.