
Digital storytelling for primary school Mathematics Teaching: Product and process evaluation
Document Type
Original Paper
Education and Information Technologies: The Official Journal of the IFIP Technical Committee on Education. 27(4):5365-5396
Digital Storytelling
Teacher Candidates
Mathematics Teaching
The purpose of this research is to determine the quality of the digital stories developed by the primary school teacher candidates (PSTC) for primary school mathematics teaching and their experiences in the digital storytelling (DST) production processes. The study group of the research, designed as a case study, consisted of 30 PSTC. The data of the research were obtained from multiple data collection tools and analyzed through content analysis. As a result of the research, it was determined that the negative qualities were more than the positive ones in the digital stories. From the point of view of the process, it has been determined that the PSTC carried out some preparatory work before creating a digital story, pay attention to certain criteria while creating a digital story, and review their stories after producing their DST. In addition, PSTC encountered some problems in the DST production process and tried to find solutions to these problems. There are also some elements that facilitate the digital story writing process. However, the actions and strategies used by pre-service teachers in the process of creating digital stories are quite limited and they do not fully reflect the DST production steps.