
1.1 Carotid Endothelial Shear Stress Assessed by 3T-Mri is Associated with Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity in Healthy Volunteers
Document Type
Artery Research. 4(4):144-144
Background: Low endothelial shear stress (ESS) elicits endothelial dysfunction. However, the relationship between ESS and aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV), a validated surrogate marker for cardiovascular disease, is unknown in humans. We developed a 3.0 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol to assess associations of ESS and PWV in healthy subjects.Methods: Common carotid 3 T-MRI measurements were performed in 55 subjects (aged 41 ± 15years). Axial gradient echo Phase-Contrast images were acquired over 45 phases per heartbeat, using a 5 cm single-element microcoil, with slice thickness 3 mm, non-interpolated pixel size 0.6 x 0.6 mm, velocity encoding 150cm/s. The mean ESS in the cardiac cycle was calculated: ESS = µ•WSR, µ is the blood viscosity (3.2 Pa•s), WSR was the slope of the velocities close to the artery wall assessed by second order curve fitting of the velocity profile.Results: Mean ESS was 0.89(0.23)N/m2, and PWV was 7.21(1.58)m/s. ESS was inversely correlated with PWV (Pearsons’ r = −0.40, p = 0.01). Multiple linear regression analysis accounting for age, gender and systolic blood pressure revealed that ESS was an independent predictors of the response variable PWV (regression coefficients [b] = −1.67N/m2 per m/ s, p = 0.04).Conclusion: Our carotid MRI data show that ESS is an important determinant of arterial stiffness in humans. The data warrant further studies to evaluate use of carotid ESS as a non-invasive tool to understand individual CVD risk and to assess novel drug therapies in cardiovascular disease prevention.