
Study of proton resonances in 18Ne via resonant elastic scattering of 17F + p and its astrophysical implication in the stellar reaction of 14O(α, p)17F
Document Type
Original Paper
The European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei. May 2011 47(5):1-8
The stellar 14O (α, p) 17F reaction is thought to be one of the most important breakout reactions from the Hot CNO cycles into the rp-process in Type I X-ray bursters. In the present work, the properties of proton resonances in 18Ne have been investigated efficiently by utilizing a technique of proton resonant elastic scattering with a 17F radioactive-ion (RI) beam and a thick proton target. A 4.22 MeV/nucleon 17F RI beam, which was produced via a projectile-fragmentation reaction and experiencing a series of energy degradation, was separated by a Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou (RIBLL) and bombarded a (CH2)n target. Energy spectra of the recoiled protons were measured by two sets of ΔE-E silicon telescope at center-of-mass scattering angles of θc.m. ≈ 175° ± 5°, θc.m. ≈ 152° ± 8°, respectively. Several proton resonances in 18Ne were observed, and their resonant parameters have been determined by an R-matrix analysis of the differential cross-sections. A doublet structure around 7.10 MeV has been identified and thought to be one state at 7.05 MeV (2+) and another one at 7.12 MeV (4+). The presently calculated total reaction rates of 14O (α, p) 17F are, at least, a factor of 1.2 ∼ 1.9 larger than the previous ones in a temperature region of 1.7 ∼ 3.0 GK mainly owing to the contribution from the 7.05 MeV (2+) state. This result implies that this breakout reaction may play a more important role than previously expected.