
Three-prong τ decays with charged kaons
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Original Paper
Barate, R.Buskulic, D.Decamp, D.Ghez, P.Goy, C.Lees, J. -P.Lucotte, A.Minard, M. -N.Nief, J. -Y.Pietrzyk, B.Casado, M. P.Chmeissani, M.Comas, P.Crespo, J. M.Delfino, M.Fernandez, E.Fernandez-Bosman, M.Garrido, Ll.Juste, A.Martinez, M.Merino, G.Miquel, R.Mir, Ll. M.Padilla, C.Park, I. C.Pascua, A.Perlas, J. A.Riu, I.Sanchez, F.Teubert, F.Colaleo, A.Creanza, D.de Palma, M.Gelao, G.Iaselli, G.Maggi, G.Maggi, M.Marinelli, N.Nuzzo, S.Ranieri, A.Raso, G.Ruggieri, F.Selvaggi, G.Silvestris, L.Tempesta, P.Tricomi, A.Zito, G.Huang, X.Lin, J.Ouyang, Q.Wang, T.Xie, Y.Xu, R.Xue, S.Zhang, J.Zhang, L.Zhao, W.Abbanco, D.Alemany, R.Becker, U.Bazarko, A. O.Bright-Thomas, P.Cattaneo, M.Cerutti, F.Dissertori, G.Drevermann, H.Forty, R. W.Frank, M.Hagelberg, R.Hansen, J. B.Harvey, J.Janot, P.Jost, B.Kneringer, E.Knobloch, J.Lehraus, I.Lutters, G.Mato, P.Minten, A.Moneta, L.Pacheco, A.Pusztaszeri, J. -F.Ranjard, F.Rizzo, G.Rolandi, L.Rousseau, D.Schlatter, D.Schmitt, M.Schneider, O.Tejessy, W.Tomalin, I. R.Wachsmuth, H.Wagner, A.Ajaltouni, Z.Barrès, A.Boyer, C.Falvard, A.Ferdi, C.Gay, P.Guicheney, C.Henrard, P.Jousset, J.Michel, B.Monteil, S.Montret, J -C.Pallin, D.Perret, P.Podlyski, F.Proriol, J.Rosnet, P.Rossignol, J. -M.Fearnley, T.Hansen, J. D.Hansen, J. R.Hansen, P. H.Nilsson, B. S.Rensch, B.Wäänänen, A.Daskalakis, G.Kyriakis, A.Markou, C.Simopoulou, E.Siotis, I.Vayaki, A.Blondel, A.Bonneaud, G.Brient, J. C.Bourdon, P.Rougé, A.Rumpf, M.Valassi, A.Verderi, M.Videau, H.Candlin, D. J.Parsons, M. I.Focardi, E.Parrini, G.Zachariadou, K.Corden, M.Georgiopoulos, C.Jaffe, D. E.Antonelli, A.Bencivenni, G.Bologna, G.Bossi, F.Campana, P.Capon, G.Casper, D.Chiarella, V.Felici, G.Laurelli, P.Mannocchi, G.Murtas, F.Murtas, G. P.Passalacqua, L.Pepe-Altarelli, M.Curtis, L.Dorris, S. J.Halley, A. W.Knowles, I. G.Lynch, J. G.O'Shea, V.Raine, C.Scarr, J. M.Smith, K.Teixeira-Dies, P.Thompson, A. S.Thomson, E.Thomson, F.Turnbull, R. M.Buchmüller, O.Dhamotharan, S.Geweniger, C.Graefe, G.Hanke, P.Hansper, G.Hepp, V.Kluge, E. E.Putzer, A.Sommer, J.Tittel, K.Werner, S.Wunsch, M.Beuselinck, R.Binnie, D. M.Cameron, W.Dornan, P. J.Girone, M.Goodsir, S.Martin, E. B.Moutoussi, A.Nash, J.Sedgbeer, J. K.Spagnolo, P.Stacey, A. M.Williams, M. D.Ghete, V. M.Girtler, P.Kuhn, D.Rudolph, G.Betteridge, A. P.Bowdery, C. K.Colrain, P.Crawford, G.Finch, A. J.Foster, F.Hughes, G.Jones, R. W.Sloan, T.Williams, M. I.Galla, A.Giehl, I.Greene, A. M.Hoffmann, C.Jakobs, K.Kleinknecht, K.Quast, G.Renk, B.Rohne, E.Sander, H. -G.van Gemmeren, P.Zeitnitz, C.Aubert, J. J.Benchouk, C.Bonissent, A.Bujosa, G.Carr, J.Coyle, P.Diaconu, C.Etienne, F.Konstantinidis, N.Leroy, O.Motsch, F.Payre, P.Talby, M.Sadouki, A.Thulasidas, M.Trabelsi, K.Aleppo, M.Antonelli, M.Ragusa, F.Berlich, R.Blum, W.Büscher, V.Dietl, H.Ganis, G.Gotzhein, C.Kroha, H.Lütjens, G.Lutz, G.Manner, W.Moser, H. -G.Richter, R.Rosado-Schlosser, A.Schael, S.Settles, R.Seywerd, H.Denis, R. St.Stenzel, H.Wiedenmann, W.Wolf, G.Boucrot, J.Callot, O.Chen, S.Choi, Y.Cordier, A.Davier, M.Duflot, L.Grivaz, J. -F.Heusse, Ph.Höcker, A.Jacholkowska, A.Jacquet, M.Kim, D. W.Le Diberder, F.Lefrançois, J.Lutz, A. -M.Nikolic, I.Schune, M. -H.Simion, S.Tournefier, E.Veillet, J. -J.Videau, I.Zerwas, D.Azzurri, P.Bagliesi, G.Batignani, G.Bettarini, S.Bozzi, C.Calderini, G.Carpinelli, M.Ciocci, M. A.Ciulli, V.Dell'Orso, R.Fantechi, R.Ferrante, I.Foà, L.Forti, F.Giassi, A.Giorgi, M. A.Gregorio, A.Ligabue, F.Lusiani, A.Marrocchesi, P. S.Messineo, A.Palla, F.Sanguinetti, G.Sciabà, A.Steinberger, J.Tenchini, R.Tonelli, G.Vannini, C.Venturi, A.Verdini, P. G.Blair, G. A.Bryant, L. M.Chambers, J. T.Gao, Y.Green, M. G.Medcalf, T.Perrodo, P.Strong, J. A.von Wimmersperg-Toeller, J. H.Botterill, D. R.Clifft, R. W.Edgecock, T. R.Haywood, S.Maley, P.Norton, P. R.Thompson, J. C.Wright, A. E.Bloch-Devaux, B.Colas, P.Emery, S.Kozanecki, W.Lançon, E.Lemaire, M. C.Locci, E.Perez, P.Rander, J.Renardy, J. -F.Roussarie, A.Schuller, J. -P.Schwindling, J.Trabelsi, A.Vallage, B.Black, S. N.Dann, J. H.Johnson, R. P.Kim, H. Y.Litke, A. M.McNeil, M. A.Taylor, G.Booth, C. N.Boswell, R.Brew, C. A. J.Cartwright, S.Combley, F.Kelly, M. S.Lehto, M.Newton, W. M.Reeve, J.Thompson, L. F.Böhrer, A.Brandt, S.Cowan, G.Grupen, C.Saraiva, P.Smolik, L.Stephan, F.Apollonio, M.Bosisio, L.Della Marina, R.Giannini, G.Gobbo, B.Musolino, G.Rothberg, J.Wasserbaech, S.Armstrong, S. R.Charles, E.Elmer, P.Ferguson, D. P. S.González, S.Greening, T. C.Hayes, O. J.Hu, H.Jin, S.McNamara, III, P. A.Nachtman, J. M.Nielsen, J.Orejudos, W.Pan, Y. B.Saadi, Y.Scott, I. J.Walsh, J.Lan Wu, SanWu, X.Yamartino, J. M.Zobernig, G.ALEPH Collaboration
The European Physical Journal C. March 1998 1(1-2):65-79
Final states with charged kaons in three-prong τ decays are studied by exploiting the particle identification from the dE/dx measurement. The results are based on a sample of about 1.6 × 105 detected τ pairs collected with the ALEPH detector between 1991 and 1995 around the Z peak. The following branching ratios have been measured: B(τ- → K−K+π−ντ) = (1.63 ± 0.21 ± 0.17) × 10−3, B(τ− → Kπ+πντ) = (2.14 ± 0.37 ± 0.29) × 10−3, B(τ → KK+ππ0ντ) = (0.75 ± 0.29 ± 0.15) × 10−3, and B(τ → Kπ+ππ0ντ) = (0.61 ± 0.39 ± 0.18) × 10−3. The first two measurements are more precise than the current world averages, while the last two channels are investigated for the first time. The 95% C.L. upper limit on the branching ratio for the decay τ → KK+Kντ is 0.19 × 10−3. A study of intermediate states occurring in the KK+πντ and Kπ+πντ decays is also presented.