
MYH10 activation rescues contractile defects in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM)
Document Type
Original Paper
Nature Communications. 14(1)
The most prevalent genetic form of inherited arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) is caused by mutations in desmosomal plakophilin-2 (PKP2). By studying pathogenic deletion mutations in the desmosomal protein PKP2, here we identify a general mechanism by which PKP2 delocalization restricts actomyosin network organization and cardiac sarcomeric contraction in this untreatable disease. Computational modeling of PKP2 variants reveals that the carboxy-terminal (CT) domain is required for N-terminal domain stabilization, which determines PKP2 cortical localization and function. In mutant PKP2 cells the expression of the interacting protein MYH10 rescues actomyosin disorganization. Conversely, dominant-negative MYH10 mutant expression mimics the pathogenic CT–deletion PKP2 mutant causing actin network abnormalities and right ventricle systolic dysfunction. A chemical activator of non-muscle myosins, 4-hydroxyacetophenone (4-HAP), also restores normal contractility. Our findings demonstrate that activation of MYH10 corrects the deleterious effect of PKP2 mutant over systolic cardiac contraction, with potential implications for ACM therapy.
Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy is an untreatable heart muscle disease and a common cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes. The authors show a link between actomyosin dysregulation and cardiac dysfunction by studying nonsense PKP2 mutants classified as pathogenic to identify a potential treatment.