
MyPGI - a methodology to yield personalized gestural interaction
Document Type
Original Paper
Universal Access in the Information Society: International Journal. 23(2):795-820
Computer vision
Human–computer interaction
Augmentative and alternative communication
Assistive technology
Machine learning
People with speech and motor impairments may experience difficulties in interaction and learning, among other situations that can lead to emotional, social, and cognitive problems. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is a research area that involves using non-oral modes as a complement or substitute for spoken language. The AAC supported by computer vision (CV) systems can benefit from recognizing the user’s remaining functional movements as an alternative design approach to interaction. The complete MyPGI, Methodology to yield Personalized Gestural Interaction, is presented. MyPGI guides the design of AAC systems for people with motor and speech difficulties, using CV techniques and machine learning to enable personalized and noninvasive gestural interaction. The MyPGI methodology was used to develop an AAC system, named PGCA (Personal Gesture Communication Assistant), employing a low-cost approach, used in experiments conducted with volunteers, including students with motor and speech difficulties. Experiments, interviews, and usability evaluation were conducted to evaluate the feasibility of the methodology and the system developed. The results suggest the methodology as promising to support the design of AAC systems capable of enabling personalized gestural interaction, also showing benefits of this approach, technical challenges, and means to overcome them. The results also add knowledge about specific challenges and needs of the target audience. The MyPGI methodology, developed after several iterations and evaluations, is capable to support the design of AAC systems that enable personalized gestural interaction. This article presents an overview of the methodological steps performed, results obtained, and future perspectives for the methodology.