
Eine Einzelzell-RNA-Sequenzierung identifiziert Metabolismus und CD52 als neue Angriffspunkte in Ibrutinib-persistenten Mantelzelllymphomzellen
Document Type
Brief Communication
Die Pathologie. 43(Suppl 1):31-35
Minimale Resterkrankung
Zielgerichtete Therapie
Oxidative Phosphorylierung
Drug resistance
Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Minimal residual disease
Targeted therapy
Oxidative phosphorylation
Background: Ibrutinib improves the treatment of relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma, a mature B cell neoplasm. However, relapses following treatment with this Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitor occur frequently, and the outcome of affected patients is poor.Objectives: Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) can track trends in gene expression of mantle cell lymphoma cells across ibrutinib treatment and new therapeutic targets can be defined based on the detected resistance mechanisms.Materials and methods: The ibrutinib-sensitive mantle cell lymphoma cell line REC‑1 was treated with ibrutinib for 6 h and 48 h. Droplet-based scRNA-seq was performed to examine the transcriptomic alterations of surviving cells using the 10× Genomics platform. Extracellular flux analysis and flow cytometry were applied to further study the observed adaptations to ibrutinib treatment.Results: REC‑1 harbored a subpopulation with potential for crosstalk with microenvironment and therefore greater risk for aggressiveness and drug resistance. Following ibrutinib treatment, NF-κB signaling was turned off. In contrast, the cells upregulated B-cell receptor genes and surface antigens such as CD52, and switched their metabolism to increased dependence on oxidative phosphorylation.Conclusions: Targeting oxidative phosphorylation or CD52 in combination with or as follow-up to ibrutinib might overcome resistance and provide improved prognosis for mantle cell lymphoma patients.