
Using the autonomic standards to assess orthostatic hypotension in persons with SCI: a case series
Document Type
Original Paper
Spinal Cord Series and Cases. 3(1)
Introduction: Spinal cord injury (SCI) creates a complex and unique syndrome of medical issues related to disruption of somatic and autonomic pathways. Among these impaired control of blood pressure (BP) can significantly impede patients’ activities of daily living. The International Standards for the Assessment of Autonomic Function after SCI (ISAFSCI) is used to document the impact of SCI on resting BP (abnormal if below 90 mmHg) and the presence or absence of orthostatic hypotension (OH), defined as a symptomatic or asymptomatic decrease in BP (>/=20/10 mmHg) upon moving to an upright position.Case presentation: Case 1 documents the adverse influence of prescribed medications (antidepressants for neuropathic pain) on OH; case 2 describes the influence of bladder management on cardiovascular instability (autonomic dysreflexia and subsequent OH); case 3 describes the association between spasticity and OH; case 4 describes OH associated with a Valsalva maneuver.Discussion: Impaired control of BP can stem from a combination of medical issues and autonomic dysfunction in persons with SCI. Management strategies for OH will vary depending on the stage of the SCI, the root cause of the OH and other confounding medical conditions. Non-pharmacological treatment should be considered as a first line of intervention and consideration should be given to cessation of potentially contributory medications prior to implementing pharmaceutical interventions. The systematic use of ISAFSCI by clinicians is recommended to document BP irregularities and to describe the effects of treatment strategies aimed at improving BP control in the SCI population.