
Age estimation based on aspartic acid racemization in dentine: what about caries-affected teeth?
Document Type
Original Paper
International Journal of Legal Medicine. :1-6
Age estimation
Aspartic acid racemization
Caries-affected teeth
Age estimation based on aspartic acid racemization (AAR) in dentine is one of the most precise methods in adult age. Caries induces protein degradation and may have an impact on the kinetics of AAR in dentine. We systematically examined standardized prepared dentine samples from caries-affected teeth to clarify the question, if caries-affected teeth should not be used for age estimation based on AAR at all, or if the analysis of dentine samples from such teeth may be useful after removal of the caries-affected tissue according to clinical standards. Our results suggest that caries may lead to an extensive protein degradation even in macroscopically healthy-appearing dentine samples from caries-affected teeth and may significantly affect the precision of age estimation. To ensure the quality of age estimation based on AAR in forensic practice, we recommend using dentine samples from healthy teeth. If only caries-affected teeth are available, dentine samples from at least two teeth from the same individual should be analyzed as it seems unlikely that caries-induced protein degradation occurred with identical kinetics in two different teeth. In any case, results of the analysis of caries-affected teeth must be interpreted with caution.