
Ant diversity studies in Brazil: an overview of the myrmecological research in a megadiverse country
Document Type
Review Paper
Insectes Sociaux: International Journal for the Study of Social Arthropods. 69(1):105-121
Brazilian biomes
Scientometric investigation and scientific production analysis are essential for science progress. Although a vast number of studies on Brazilian ant diversity have been carried out, a critical analysis of the advances in its scientific production is still missing. We compiled a comprehensive database on ant diversity papers carried out in the Brazilian territory. Our main research question is: what is the profile of ant diversity studies developed in Brazil? We sorted the studies according to the main terrestrial Brazilian biomes. We compiled 468 papers, which were published in 132 journals and encompassed a time range from 1970 to 2020. Most studies were carried out in Atlantic Forest (143), followed by Amazon Forest (111), Cerrado (106), Caatinga (38), Pantanal (14), and Pampa (4). In all biomes, ant samplings presented a much-aggregated distribution. Most studies had samplings carried out in all seasons in almost all biomes. The three most employed sampling techniques were pitfall traps, direct sampling, and attractive baits. The main subject of papers were ant assemblage diversity and ant fauna surveys. We discussed the implications of ant diversity study profiles regarding all aspects considered, the historical changes in these factors during the time range, and their possible influence on ant diversity paper publications, and provided suggestions for a more efficient use of time and financial resources for future research directions on ant diversity studies. Finally, we propose that our study can be replicated in other world regions, allowing for a comprehensive view on ant diversity research at a global scale.