
Alpha adrenergic receptors in renal pelvis and calyces: can rat models be used?
Document Type
International braz j urol. October 2014 40(5)
Rat model
Alpha Adrenergic Receptors
We aimed, in this study, to determine the distribution of α-1 AR subtypes in rat and human pelvis and calyces, and to evaluate, by comparing these two species, the possibility of rats to be used as models for humans. Twenty patients with renal carcinoma were included into the study. The patients underwent radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma (RCC). After nephrectomy, specimens were evaluated and excisional biopsies from healthy pelvis and calyces tissues were performed. When pathology confirmed the non-invasion of RCC, specimen was included into the study. A total of 7 adult Wistar Albino (250-300 g) female rats were used in this study. Specimens included renal pelvis and calyces. All specimens were evaluated under light microscope histopathologically. The concentrations of the receptor densities did not differ between the two groups. With the demonstration of the α receptors in rat kidneys and calyces, many receptor-based studies concerning both humans and rats can take place. Novel medication targeting these subtypes -in this matter α1A and α1D for renal pelvis and calyces- may be helpful for expulsive therapy and/or pain relief. With the demonstration of similar receptor densities between human and rat tissues, rat model may be useful for α-receptor trials for renal pelvis and calyces.