
Short-Term Effects of a Resistance Training Program Using Elastic Tubing in Patients with Heart Disease
Document Type
International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences. April 2021 34(2)
Resistance Training
Cardiovascular Diseases
Muscle Strength Dynamometer
Functional Residual Capacity
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Elastic Tubing
Background Resistance training is effective in cardiac rehabilitation; however, it is conventionally performed using free weights or machines, which can pose logistic challenges to patients with restricted mobility. For its ease of access and cost-effectiveness, elastic tubing is a particularly appealing alternative, but it remains underutilized for this purpose. Objective To evaluate muscle strength, functional capacity, aerobic capacity, and quality of life in patients with heart disease in phase II of cardiovascular rehabilitation after a resistance training intervention based solely on elastic tubing. Methods Thirteen patients with heart disease (age 63.33±10.80 years) trained with elastic tubing twice weekly for 6 weeks, with progressive load increase every 15 days. The following muscle groups were evaluated and trained: shoulder abductors and flexors, elbow flexors, and knee flexors and extensors. Muscle strength was evaluated using a dynamometer; functional capacity, with a 6-minute walk test and cardiopulmonary exercise test; and quality of life, using the SF-36 questionnaire. Data normality was assessed using the Shapiro–Wilk test. The paired Student’s t-test was used for comparisons before and after training, at a significance level of <5%. Results There were significant differences in muscle strength (except for elbow flexion) and functional capacity (485.5 ± 123.3 vs 578.7 ± 110.5; p=0.0399) after the intervention. No statistical differences were found in cardiorespiratory fitness or quality of life. Conclusions Short-term resistance training with elastic tubing improved peripheral muscle strength and functional capacity in patients with heart disease, and should be encouraged for this population. (Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; xx(x):xxx-xxx)

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