
Estimating the development of landrace and improved maize cultivars as a function of air temperature
Document Type
Ciência Rural. October 2016 46(10)
Zea mays L
developmental stages
The objective of this study was to determine the maximum development rates for the phases of emergence, vegetative and reproductive, and to test the performance of the Wang and Engel (WE) model for simulating the development of landrace and improved maize cultivars sown on different dates. Model calibration was with data collected from a field experiment with a sowing date on December 13, 2014, and the model was tested with independent data from experiments with five sowing dates (August 20 and November 4, 2013, February 3 and August 15, 2014, and January 7, 2015) in Santa Maria, RS. The experiment was a complete randomized block design with four replicates. The dates of emergence (EM), silking (R1), and physiological maturity (R6) of two landraces ('Cinquentinha' and 'Bico de ouro') and two improved maize cultivars ('BRS Planalto' and 'AS 1573PRO') were recorded. Maximum daily developmental rates varied among cultivars from 0.2400 to 0.3411 d-1 for the emergence phase, from 0.0213 to 0.0234 d-1 for the vegetative phase, and from 0.0254 to 0.0298 d-1 for the reproductive phase. The WE model adequately estimated the developmental stages of landraces and improved maize cultivars with a mean error of 3.7 days. The cardinal temperatures used in the WE model were appropriate to estimate the developmental stages of landraces and improved maize cultivars.