
Evaluation of gelling agents on anther culture: response of two soybean cultivars
Document Type
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. November 2007 50(6)
Anther culture
Glycine max
culture media
binucleate pollen grains
multinucleate/multicellular structures
callus formation
Anthers of two soybean cultivars were cultured in B5 long basal culture media gelled with agarose or PhytagelTM. Cytological examinations of the anthers were carried out during the first 45 days of culture to assay the viability and developmental stage of microspores. Frequency of callus formation was recorded at 45 days of culture. The analysis of variance of the microspore viability assay showed significant Cultivar X Gelling Agent X Day of Culture interactions. The frequencies of viable microspores decreased significantly with time of culture, within each cultivar and gelling agent tested. The interaction Day X Cultivar was significant for the frequencies of binucleate symmetrical grains and multinucleate/multicellular structures. The effect of gelling agents on the frequency of binucleate symmetrical pollens grains and multinucleate/multicellular structures was not significant. About the frequencies of calli and embryogenic calli formed, a significant difference was detected between the cultivars (IAS5= 14.8% and BRS 133=6.6%). Gelling agents showed no effect over these frequencies.