
Morphometric Traits, Serum Chemistry and Antibody Response of Three Chicken Genotypes under Free-Range, Semi-Intensive and Intensive Housing Systems
Document Type
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science. January 2019 21(1)
Antibody response
chicken genotypes
housing system
serum chemistry
The present study evaluated the effect of housing system on the morphometrics, serum chemistry and antibody response of dual-purpose chicken genotypes. A total of 156 pullets and 39 cockerels were randomly picked from 18 treatment block groups (3 housing system × 3 genotypes × 2 sexes) according to Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Three genotypes, purebred Naked Neck (NN) and two crossbred Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck (RIR × NN = RNN) and Black Australorp × Naked Neck (BAL × NN = BNN), were compared. Morphometric traits were recorded during rearing period, thereafter, serum chemistry and antibody response were evaluated in pullets. Intensive and semi-intensive chickens were heavier (males, p=0.0012; females, p<0.0001) on week 21. Body length was maximum (p<0.0001) for free-range female chicken. Maximum (p<0.0001) keel length was found in semi-intensive female chickens. Regarding genotypes, RNN and BNN chickens were heavier than NN (males, p=0.0015; females, p<0.0001). Keel length was maximum (p=0.0002) in BNN and NN female chickens. Drumstick circumference were maximum (males, p<0.0001; females, p<0.0001) in NN chickens, shank circumference was maximum (p=0.0150) in RNN and BNN male chickens. Wingspan was maximum (p=0.0029) in NN female chickens. Plasma glucose level was higher (p=0.0008) in intensive female chickens whereas cholesterol levels was higher (p=0.0123) in NN female chicken. Antibody titer against ND was higher (p=0.0204) in RNN female chickens while higher (p=0.0001) antibody titer against IB was found in free-range chickens. Overall, housing system did not impact morphometric traits or serum chemistry. Only a few differences were observed regarding body weight, body and keel length, plasma glucose, cholesterol and antibody response against ND and IB.