
Healthy eating through the eyes of adolescents: A qualitative analysis of messages from the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population
Document Type
Revista de Nutrição. December 2018 31(6)
Food Guide
Healthy Diet
Qualitative Research
Objective To evaluate the interpretation by adolescents of messages contained in the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population. Methods Qualitative study of adolescents distributed across “conversation circles”. Each group received messages about healthy eating from the Dietary Guidelines and was instructed to develop materials containing their own interpretation thereof, using appealing wording and format. Content analysis was then used to evaluate these materials. Results Presentation of the produced materials revealed a focus on placing the participants at the center of the process and highlighting the dynamic and innovative nature of each strategy. Corpus analysis identified three clusters of meaning: (I) Food classification and selection model: The participants showed comprehension of the different formulations of foods and their impacts on health, but using other terms. A reductionist understanding of the composition of a healthy diet was observed; (II) Environment and eating practices: the environment was characterized as conducive or not to healthy eating, and open-air markets were recognized as spaces for healthy choices. Creating recipes was judged a wise choice to be shared; and (III) Diet-related individual and collective wellness: consequences of unhealthy food intake were linked to physical and emotional well-being. Concerns were raised about the use of natural resources and the impact of pesticides on individuals and the environment. Conclusion To facilitate understanding of the Dietary Guidelines, the wording of its messages must be adapted, and the discussion about healthy eating and proper diet must be broadened to ascribe greater value to the act of cooking in this population.