
Brazilian guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of cystic fibrosis
Document Type
Athanazio, Rodrigo AbensurSilva Filho, Luiz Vicente Ribeiro Ferreira daVergara, Alberto AndradeRibeiro, Antônio FernandoRiedi, Carlos AntônioProcianoy, Elenara da Fonseca AndradeAdde, Fabíola VillacReis, Francisco José CaldeiraRibeiro, José DirceuTorres, Lídia AliceFuccio, Marcelo Bicalho deEpifanio, MatiasFirmida, Mônica de CássiaDamaceno, NeivaLudwig-Neto, NorbertoMaróstica, Paulo José CauduroRached, Samia ZahiMelo, Suzana Fonseca de OliveiraPinto, Leonardo AraújoMonte, Luciana Freitas VellosoHiga, Laurinda Yoko ShinzatoFolescu, Tania WrobelMarson, Fernando Augusto de LimaSad, IsabelaServidoni, Maria de Fátima Correa PimentaKussek, PauloRaskin, SalmoZuana, Adriana DellaAugustin, AlbinHoffmann, AnnelieseBarbisan, BeatrizHochhegger, BrunoLevy, Carlos EmilioVeiga, Claudine Sarmento daRicachinevsky, ClaudioEsposito, ConcettaEscuissato, DanteBrandemburgo, DiegoMarques, ElisabethAquino, Evanirso deFischer, Gilberto BuenoRodrigues, Joaquim CarlosMachado, LeticiaMuramato, LuciaCosta, Lusmaia Damasceno CamargoDonadio, MarcioCastro, Marcos César Santos deRibeiro, Maria AngelaSantana, Maria AngélicaCanan, MarianeAlmeida, Marina Buarque deBritto, MuriloDalcin, Paulo Roth TarsoRamos, Regina Terse TrindadeChiba, SoniaMartins, Valéria de CarvalhoLacerda, ClaudineBarbosa, ElianaGuimarães, Elizabet VilarHessel, GabrielGurmini, JocemaraNeri, LenyciaNogueira, Marcelo CoelhoWayhs, Mônica ChangSimon, Miriam Isabel SantosFernandes, Arlene Gonçalves dos SantosSilva, Claudia de Castro deAlbuquerque, Cristiano Túlio MacielSouza, Edna LúciaSilva, Fernando Antonio de Abreu eDalcin, Paulo de TarsoNoronha, Renata Maria deTeixeira, RicardoMachado, Sandra HelenaCamargo, Spencer MarcantonioRozov, TatianaRodrigues, Ticiana da Costa
Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia. June 2017 43(3)
Cystic fibrosis/diagnosis
Cystic fibrosis/therapy
Cystic fibrosis/complications
Practice guideline
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by dysfunction of the CFTR gene. It is a multisystem disease that most often affects White individuals. In recent decades, various advances in the diagnosis and treatment of CF have drastically changed the scenario, resulting in a significant increase in survival and quality of life. In Brazil, the current neonatal screening program for CF has broad coverage, and most of the Brazilian states have referral centers for the follow-up of individuals with the disease. Previously, CF was limited to the pediatric age group. However, an increase in the number of adult CF patients has been observed, because of the greater number of individuals being diagnosed with atypical forms (with milder phenotypic expression) and because of the increase in life expectancy provided by the new treatments. However, there is still great heterogeneity among the different regions of Brazil in terms of the access of CF patients to diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The objective of these guidelines was to aggregate the main scientific evidence to guide the management of these patients. A group of 18 CF specialists devised 82 relevant clinical questions, divided into five categories: characteristics of a referral center; diagnosis; treatment of respiratory disease; gastrointestinal and nutritional treatment; and other aspects. Various professionals working in the area of CF in Brazil were invited to answer the questions devised by the coordinators. We used the PubMed database to search the available literature based on keywords, in order to find the best answers to these questions.