
First study of the two-body scattering involving charm hadrons
Document Type
Physical Review D. 106(5)
Nuclear and Plasma Physics
Particle and High Energy Physics
Synchrotrons and Accelerators
Physical Sciences
This article presents the first measurement of the interaction between charm hadrons and nucleons. The two-particle momentum correlations of pD- and p¯D+ pairs are measured by the ALICE Collaboration in high-multiplicity pp collisions at s=13 TeV. The data are compatible with the Coulomb-only interaction hypothesis within (1.1-1.5)σ. The level of agreement slightly improves if an attractive nucleon (N)D¯ strong interaction is considered, in contrast to most model predictions which suggest an overall repulsive interaction. This measurement allows for the first time an estimation of the 68% confidence level interval for the isospin I=0 inverse scattering length of the ND¯ state f0,I=0-1 [-0.4,0.9] fm-1, assuming negligible interaction for the isospin I=1 channel.