
Predicting supercooling of phase change materials in arbitrarily varying conditions
Document Type
Cell Reports Physical Science. 4(6)
Materials Engineering
Chemical Sciences
Affordable and Clean Energy
Macromolecular and materials chemistry
sensors and digital hardware
Materials engineering
Phase change materials are promising for thermal energy storage; however, one major bottleneck for their practical implementation is their unclear supercooling behaviors. In this work, we introduce a framework to predict the degree of supercooling for a phase change material subject to arbitrary geometrical and thermal conditions by analyzing the phase change material's intrinsic nucleation characteristics with a statistical model. The prediction capability of our framework is successfully validated with experiments using magnesium chloride hexahydrate as a phase change material. For a system with a uniform temperature distribution, our framework can predict the average degree of supercooling. For a general case such as phase change materials embedded in a heat sink, the framework can accurately predict the expected time, with less than 8% deviation, for nucleation under given conditions. This work provides important insights in understanding and predicting supercooling behavior, thereby providing guidelines for the optimal design of phase change material-based thermal energy storage applications.