
Correction of Manipulated Responses in theChoice Blindness Paradigm: What are the Predictors?
Document Type
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. 41
choice blindness
attitude change
need for cognition
preference for consistency
political awareness.
Choice blindness is a cognitive phenomenon describing thatwhen people receive false feedback about a choice they justmade, they often accept the outcome as their own. Little isknown about what predisposes people to correctmanipulations they are subjected to in choice blindnessstudies. In this study, 118 participants answered a politicalattitude survey and were then asked to explain some of theirresponses out of which three had been manipulated to indicatean opposite position. Just over half (58.4%) of themanipulations were corrected. We measured extremity,centrality and commitment for each attitude, and one weekprior to the experiment we assessed participants’ preferencefor consistency, need for cognition and political awareness.Only extremity was able to predict correction. The resultshighlight the elusiveness of choice blindness and speakagainst dissonance and lack of motivation to engage incognitively demanding tasks as explanations why the effectoccurs.