
Personal care product use among diverse women in California: Taking Stock Study.
Document Type
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology. 31(3)
Community-based participatory research
Endocrine disrupting chemicals
Environmental health disparities
Personal care products
Chemical Sciences
Environmental Sciences
Medical and Health Sciences
BackgroundPersonal care product use may contribute to elevated body burdens of consumer product chemicals among women of color; however, racial/ethnic differences in product use has been understudied. Community-engaged research can support the recruitment of diverse participants.ObjectiveTo document personal care product use among a diverse group of women (aged 18-34 years) living in California.MethodsThrough a community-academic partnership, we surveyed 357 women in California about product use information for 54 cosmetic, hair, menstrual/intimate care, and leave-on and rinse-off personal care products. We compared type and frequency of product use among Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, and White women. We also summarized use of scented products and reasons women select products.ResultsWomen reported using a median of 8 products daily, with some women reporting up to 30 products daily. Hispanic/Latinx and Asian women used more cosmetics, and Black women used more hair and menstrual/intimate products than other women. Of the 54 products compared, there were significant differences in use by race/ethnicity for 28 products, with the largest number of significant differences between Black and White women.SignificanceThere is growing information on chemical exposures from personal care products and consequent adverse health effects, with implications for health disparities. Yet, there remains limited information on the range and types of products used by diverse racial/ethnic communities. This study helps close an important gap on product use inventories that can enable more informed public health interventions to limit exposures from personal care products.