
21st century toolkit for optimizing population health through precision nutrition
Document Type
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 58(17)
Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics
Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
Nutrition and Dietetics
Data Science
Metabolic and endocrine
Generic health relevance
Good Health and Well Being
Health Promotion
Nutrition Therapy
Nutritional Sciences
Nutritional Status
Precision nutrition
food science and technology
big data
Animal Production
Food Sciences
Nutrition & Dietetics
Food sciences
Nutrition and dietetics
Scientific, technological, and economic progress over the last 100 years all but eradicated problems of widespread food shortage and nutrient deficiency in developed nations. But now society is faced with a new set of nutrition problems related to energy imbalance and metabolic disease, which require new kinds of solutions. Recent developments in the area of new analytical tools enable us to systematically study large quantities of detailed and multidimensional metabolic and health data, providing the opportunity to address current nutrition problems through an approach called Precision Nutrition. This approach integrates different kinds of "big data" to expand our understanding of the complexity and diversity of human metabolism in response to diet. With these tools, we can more fully elucidate each individual's unique phenotype, or the current state of health, as determined by the interactions among biology, environment, and behavior. The tools of precision nutrition include genomics, metabolomics, microbiomics, phenotyping, high-throughput analytical chemistry techniques, longitudinal tracking with body sensors, informatics, data science, and sophisticated educational and behavioral interventions. These tools are enabling the development of more personalized and predictive dietary guidance and interventions that have the potential to transform how the public makes food choices and greatly improve population health.