
Sox2 Controls Periderm and Rugae Development to Inhibit Oral Adhesions
Document Type
Journal of Dental Research. 99(12)
Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
Dental/Oral and Craniofacial Disease
Congenital Structural Anomalies
Pediatric Research Initiative
Underpinning research
1.1 Normal biological development and functioning
Oral and gastrointestinal
Cleft Palate
Gene Expression Regulation
Mouth Mucosa
SOXB1 Transcription Factors
Signal Transduction
cleft palate
tooth agenesis
palate rugae
craniofacial anomaly
oral epithelium
In humans, ankyloglossia and cleft palate are common congenital craniofacial anomalies, and these are regulated by a complex gene regulatory network. Understanding the genetic underpinnings of ankyloglossia and cleft palate will be an important step toward rational treatment of these complex anomalies. We inactivated the Sry (sex-determining region Y)-box 2 (Sox2) gene in the developing oral epithelium, including the periderm, a transient structure that prevents abnormal oral adhesions during development. This resulted in ankyloglossia and cleft palate with 100% penetrance in embryos examined after embryonic day 14.5. In Sox2 conditional knockout embryos, the oral epithelium failed to differentiate, as demonstrated by the lack of keratin 6, a marker of the periderm. Further examination revealed that the adhesion of the tongue and mandible expressed the epithelial markers E-Cad and P63. The expanded epithelia are Sox9-, Pitx2-, and Tbx1-positive cells, which are markers of the dental epithelium; thus, the dental epithelium contributes to the development of oral adhesions. Furthermore, we found that Sox2 is required for palatal shelf extension, as well as for the formation of palatal rugae, which are signaling centers that regulate palatogenesis. In conclusion, the deletion of Sox2 in oral epithelium disrupts palatal shelf extension, palatal rugae formation, tooth development, and periderm formation. The periderm is required to inhibit oral adhesions and ankyloglossia, which is regulated by Sox2. In addition, oral adhesions occur through an expanded dental epithelial layer that inhibits epithelial invagination and incisor development. This process may contribute to dental anomalies due to ankyloglossia.