
Frequency-Bessel Transform Method for Effective Imaging of Higher-Mode Rayleigh Dispersion Curves From Ambient Seismic Noise Data
Document Type
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 124(4)
©2019. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. It has been widely recognized that the cross-correlation function of ambient seismic noise data recorded at two stations approximates to the part of Greens function between two stations. Therefore, the cross-correlation function should include higher modes, aside from the fundamental mode. However, the problem of measuring or extracting overtones from ambient seismic noise data remains. In this paper, we propose the frequency-Bessel transform method (F-J method) for extracting the dispersion curves of higher modes from ambient seismic noise data. We then assess the validity, accuracy, and applicability of the F-J method by conducting extensive numerical simulations and processing the observed ambient seismic noise data of the USArray. As demonstrated in this study, the F-J method is a convenient, practical, and accurate method for extracting the dispersion curves of multimodes from ambient seismic noise data and therefore has significant potentiality in the field of ambient seismic noise tomography.