
Clinical and pathological associations of PTEN expression in ovarian cancer: a multicentre study from the Ovarian Tumour Tissue Analysis Consortium.
Document Type
Martins, Filipe CorreiaCouturier, Dominique-LaurentPaterson, AnnaKarnezis, Anthony NChow, ChristineNazeran, Tayyebeh MOdunsi, AdekunleGentry-Maharaj, AleksandraVrvilo, AleksandraHein, AlexanderTalhouk, AlineOsorio, AnaHartkopf, Andreas DBrooks-Wilson, AngelaDeFazio, AnnaFischer, AnnaHartmann, ArndtHernandez, Brenda YMcCauley, Bryan MKarpinskyj, Chloede Sousa, Christiani BHøgdall, ClausTiezzi, Daniel GHerpel, EstherTaran, Florin AndreiModugno, FrancesmaryKeeney, GaryNelson, GreggSteed, HelenSong, HonglinLuk, HughBenitez, JavierAlsop, JenniferKoziak, Jennifer MLester, JennyRothstein, Joseph Hde Andrade, Jurandyr MLundvall, LenePaz-Ares, LuisRobles-Díaz, LuisWilkens, Lynne RGarcia, Maria JIntermaggio, Maria PAlcaraz, Marie-LyneBrett, Mary ABeckmann, Matthias WJimenez-Linan, MercedesAnglesio, MichaelCarney, Michael ESchneider, MichaelTraficante, NadiaPejovic, NadjaSingh, NaveenaLe, NhuSinn, PeterGhatage, PrafullErber, RamonaEdwards, RobertVierkant, RobertNess, Roberta BLeung, SamuelOrsulic, SandraBrucker, Sara YKaufmann, Scott HFereday, SianGayther, SimonWinham, Stacey JKommoss, StefanPejovic, TanjaLongacre, Teri AMcGuire, ValerieRhenius, ValerieSieh, WeivaShvetsov, Yurii BWhittemore, Alice SStaebler, AnnetteKarlan, Beth YRodriguez-Antona, CristinaBowtell, David DGoode, Ellen LHøgdall, EstridCandido Dos Reis, Francisco JGronwald, JacekChang-Claude, JennyMoysich, Kirsten BKelemen, Linda ECook, Linda SGoodman, Marc TFasching, Peter ACrawford, RobinDeen, SuhaMenon, UshaHuntsman, David GKöbel, MartinRamus, Susan JPharoah, Paul DPBrenton, James D
British journal of cancer. 123(5)
Oncology & Carcinogenesis
Oncology and Carcinogenesis
Public Health and Health Services
BackgroundPTEN loss is a putative driver in histotypes of ovarian cancer (high-grade serous (HGSOC), endometrioid (ENOC), clear cell (CCOC), mucinous (MOC), low-grade serous (LGSOC)). We aimed to characterise PTEN expression as a biomarker in epithelial ovarian cancer in a large population-based study.MethodsTumours from 5400 patients from a multicentre observational, prospective cohort study of the Ovarian Tumour Tissue Analysis Consortium were used to evaluate associations between immunohistochemical PTEN patterns and overall survival time, age, stage, grade, residual tumour, CD8+ tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) counts, expression of oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and androgen receptor (AR) by means of Cox proportional hazard models and generalised Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel tests.ResultsDownregulation of cytoplasmic PTEN expression was most frequent in ENOC (most frequently in younger patients; p value = 0.0001) and CCOC and was associated with longer overall survival in HGSOC (hazard ratio: 0.78, 95% CI: 0.65-0.94, p value = 0.022). PTEN expression was associated with ER, PR and AR expression (p values: 0.0008, 0.062 and 0.0002, respectively) in HGSOC and with lower CD8 counts in CCOC (p value