
First results of a study of TeV emission from GRBs in Milagrito
Document Type
AIP Conference Proceedings. 515(1)
Milagrito, a detector sensitive to gamma-rays at TeV energies, monitored thenorthern sky during the period February 1997 through May 1998. With a largefield of view and high duty cycle, this instrument was used to perform a searchfor TeV counterparts to gamma-ray bursts. Within the Milagrito field of view 54gamma-ray bursts at keV energies were observed by the Burst And TransientSatellite Experiment (BATSE) aboard the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory. Thispaper describes the results of a preliminary analysis to search for TeVemission correlated with BATSE detected bursts. Milagrito detected an excess ofevents coincident both spatially and temporally with GRB 970417a, with chanceprobability $2.8 \times 10^{-5}$ within the BATSE error radius. No othersignificant correlations were detected. Since 54 bursts were examined thechance probability of observing an excess with this significance in any ofthese bursts is $1.5 \times 10^{-3}$. The statistical aspects and physicalimplications of this result are discussed.